Manchester United Football Club Thread 2019/20

@rocko @bandage - clock in lads.


Iā€™ve ignored his jibes for long enough now. Heā€™ll be meet with both barrels from now on as I wonā€™t allow anybody run me down or get me down.

Youā€™re spending too much time on here. Take a break for a few days

Youā€™ve made all that up again, thereā€™s something lacking if you need to continually make up lies to put somebody down

I never said you had no friends, how could I know that, post it up there though and Iā€™ll apologise,

I called you a clown yesterday because you were having the most ridiculous argument again , if you need that to fill your days you need a hobby,

Now in future instead of making up lies just quote the offending posts,

It was a great relief to me when you changed some of the posts saying I was a danger to children and replaced the word with minors

What age would they be when I start becoming a danger to them would you think?

In all seriousness - the mods need to step in here to protect both parties


Look mate, Iā€™ve no ill will towards you, I donā€™t understand why you react so over the top with me while you let everybody else slide, Iā€™d be surprised if me calling you a clown yesterday was the worst thing thatā€™s been said to you here?

I do t know what in Gods name youā€™re talking about with all these accusations though, you invited me for a pint last week.
If anything bothered you post it up here, we donā€™t need this again

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Certain posts from certain posters will always hurt more than others thatā€™s just the walk of life.

Youā€™re delusional mate, and I donā€™t say that lightly.

I know for a fact that @backinatracksuit is a teacher as Iā€™m good friends with a colleague, and I think most of us who live(d) in Limerick know exactly the school.

Youā€™re dangerous when you act this way mate.

Iā€™m sorry but I simply donā€™t believe it.

Sure you probably think the world is flat so if thatā€™s your logic.

Nope. I just simply donā€™t buy it for one minute.

Again, this is an outright lie. You are generally the person who continues to raise it. What youā€™re saying is completely out of line. And when challenged you just fabricate scenarios to justify it.

Your compulsive behaviour is genuinely worrying and a break from here would do you no harm. Many posters have tried to help you with this in the past and youā€™ve fucked it back in their face, for some bizarre reason.

Day 2 in the Big Brother houseā€¦


Heā€™s a teacher , doesnt matter what you want to believe ā€¦ youā€™ve a right to call him out on whatever but the dangerous to be around kids barbs are not needed. You should delete and apologize

And again, when I asked you to prove this you came back with a random screenshot that mentioned nothing like this. Youā€™re trying to join conversations together and failing miserably. Your compulsive paranoia and compulsive lying are ridiculous at this stage.

Iā€™ve had very little to do with him for months now.

I have to prove nothing. You accused me of hacking accounts and running the labane account. Thatā€™s a serious allegation.

Itā€™s my opinion of him and I simply do not believe he is a teacher. None of it adds up. Iā€™ve largely ignored him for months now. He started this.

Show me where I accused you of these 2 things. When I asked you to show me yesterday, you ran off into hiding.

Were you drunk Saturday when you accused me of running the cill dioma account on Saturday ? And then claimed somebody from the limerick pm group had told you he was able to hack posters accounts on here???