Manchester United Football Club Thread 2019/20

Stop moving the goal posts. Show me where I accused you of the 2 things youā€™ve mentioned, or kindly fuck off.

If you accused an account of doing it and then say Iā€™m running the account you are accusing me of doing it you simpleton. Labanes life has been destroyed over it.

I very much doubt the poster who informed me was making up lies about the situation.


So again, youā€™ve got nothing.

Youā€™ve made up this poster to conveniently back up your lies ā€¦ come out with proof or apologize to myself, Mac and Trackie/

We all do ā€¦ A bit of proof to back up these wild allegations and itā€™s done.

I have pmed him and will do if heā€™s ok with it. His page is private so I canā€™t tell if he has been online or not.

Great news. Iā€™m really looking forward to thisā€¦

Until the next time,

Some of you might think this is ridiculous but being accused of being w danger to children is no laughing matter, youā€™ve fellas who have invested months and thousands of posts trying to convince us theyā€™re not racist, I consider this a much worse accusation,
Heā€™s said it before, and plenty more, do you really want a forum where thatā€™s the level of debate?

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Iā€™m not accusing you. Itā€™s my opinion based on your postings on here.

You have no business on this thread in the first place. I was having a debate with another poster and you butted in with personal insults.

Why then do you keep repeating he shouldnā€™t be let near minors?

Because I believe heā€™s pretending to be a teacher and a parent on here.

Seems odd behaviour to me.

Its Thursday pal.

I had a quick look at the private function there ----- there are only 5 prominent users with hidden profiles.
@myboyblue, @TreatyStones, @TheUlteriorMotive, @ironmoth and @Breaking_my_balls.

I was contacted by Yahoo and told to make my profile private, I wont be changing it back until they complete their investigation.

Jesus lads this is mad. Fir fucks sake @BruidheanChaorthainn will you stop. He is definitely a teacher. You really do go off on mad ones.
And it is still an obscure internet forum @backinatracksuit. Why would you be bothered by that nonsense.
Now back to which defender United will pay 150m for to find out they are shite/too old? Iā€™m guessing some werder Bremen cast off.

He is in his arse a teacher ffs.

United being linked with no defenders so far.

Whatā€™s going on here

People get bothered by all sorts of silly things here, why is anybody bothered about being called a racist?

As Iā€™ve said this has been going on for a couple of years, I have kids, I work with kids, itā€™s not nice to have that said about you, it reflects badly on the forum that that is accepted without question, just to randomly throw out accusations with nothing to back them up

Thatā€™s how I feel, Iā€™ll try to leave it at that