Manchester United Football Club Thread 2019/20

Give or take is the message here :joy: :joy:

:joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:

A billion is only 300 million give or take.
And United arenā€™t a firing club.

Look paddy, theyā€™ve only spent a billion (300 million give or take). They need to time to invest to become two dimensional.

Theyā€™ve still got the best noodle deals going

Give or take

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Iā€™d say Shaw would be some lad at the buffet

Shaw has the heart of a lion, and the arse of a Rhino

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Poor ol Depay, imagine having you play alongside another player when one gets injured. Hard to foresee that happening.


I love how easy it is to get flatty, clauili and the likes absolutely seething over man united.

I wonder did Depay consider asking Lukey to get a Dutch passport?

Rent free

Shit. Wrong login


Thereā€™s literally nothing worse than the wrong log in gag. Itā€™s been done to death over the years.


True, you never make that mistake when using your multitude of logins

Ah lad, youā€™ve provided me with great entertainment this morning. Better value than my athletic sub.

By being correct?