Manchester United Football Club Thread 2019/20

Then have a go at me. Leave my dad out of it. You donā€™t know anything about my family or my circumstances. So you should leave them out of it as a general rule. You werenā€™t too happy when hbv made fun out of your daughter. So you should be better placed than most to understand what itā€™s like to have family mentioned on here. As Iā€™ve said Iā€™ve happily moved on. Youā€™ve proved over and over again what a horrendous little cunt you are. Your little buddy shat himself today after getting a pasting over a trivial soccer matter and decided to bring this up for no reason only he needed to fire a few stones in the hope one would stick.

:smiley: :smiley:

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Would you ever fuck off ? I never mentioned anything bout your father. Youā€™re an absolute basket case mate. Get the help you need and get off the forum.

Coach Klopp is causing meltdowns literally across the board. Itā€™s fascinating to watch.

The classic spineless git move you need help. Fellas like you and tracksuit never codded me. Deeply unhappy at a personal level Iā€™d say. Always have to try run everybody else down. Afraid to have an opinion. Afraid to believe in anything. Afraid to stick up for themselves. Ye make me sick.

Itā€™s like fucking Groundhog Day here, let it go ta fuck!!!

And the minute they get destroyed they circle the wagon for the clowns to back them up. Mike Hunt, myboyblue etc. the list of arseholes on here is insane.

So Manchester United Football Club, howā€™s that going this year?

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I hold no grudges. Tracksuit apologised and Iā€™ve moved on. I gave cauli a pasting over man united so he resorts to this sort of thing. Iā€™ve driven myboyblue and the likes Insane and youā€™ll always gather a bit of support when you go down this route with me.

Iā€™m a very happy man

I joined this place back in 15 for a gentle bit of wumming of Galway posters ahead of the AI semi after being encouraged by @anon61878697 to do so. Obviously that match backfired on me but I stuck around.

I know thereā€™s always lads taking the mick around here and thatā€™s the charm of the place. Youā€™re either a WUM that has just taken it many steps too far, or else you genuinely need help.

Myself and @backinatracksuit (no offense) are probably amongst the least edgy here. Iā€™m almost as bland as @fran FFS sake. If you take issue with us, you need to put down the phone

If you have a genuine problem (with me or otherwise), feel free to PM me. Otherwise, I wonā€™t be dragged into this any more than I already have.

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Bad start to year but things can only get better pal

Youā€™re gone fierce edgy the last while. Like @Juhniallio.

The Christmas has lads ruined

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A few cans of cider will settle them.

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A couple of horse tranquilizers by the look of it

Iā€™ll stick to the cider anyway.

Go away outta that

Iā€™m as edgy as smoky bacon Tayto

Sure if you were anymore laid back youā€™d be horizontal

The edgiest of the tayto family.
Case and point.

And I happy out with myself.


Youā€™re in a great place. Lovely to see.