Manchester Utd 2023/24 (Part 1)

It isn’t really as simple as that.

They never seemed to dawn on them that Ferguson would retire and they’d absolutely no plan in place for it.

Moyes set the club back five years and can gaal compounded the errors.

Man United will win plenty under ten hag but it takes

Fucking hell, as if your day couldn’t get any worse

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More lies

Huh? I hope Ten Hag manges Utd for another 20 years


Van gal hasn’t done anything in the club game for a long time. Jose hasn’t really done much either. Ogs hasn’t got a job either.

Just fuck off.

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They should have just appointed Jose for two years the minute Ferguson retired.

It would have given them two years to sort the club out but they went down this nonsensical holistic approach trying to replace Ferguson with a similar manager.

It was never going to work.

They could have, but Banquo insisted on his own legacy decision, and then knifed poor Moyesie the first chance he got. A cunts Cunt.


Utd getting all the karma they can handle kid.
Deal with it


Take small bites mate, I gorged early on some 10 years ago not for a second realising now fucking beautifully long drawn out this would be :heart_eyes:

They probably had the right man Day 1 in Moysie and didn’t give him a chance. After that they went with two over the hill yesterday men in Van Gaal and Mourinho and two novices from farmer leagues Solakjaer and Ten Hag who were/are out of their depth.

Sleepy Ralph as well, God bless him.


Ten hag had shut you up last season.

And he’ll do the same this season.

The Goldbridge effect has their heads in a tumble spin.
Pity, I remember Utd when they were a great club

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I’m just glad we had a leader at the helm with the vision and insight of Chairman Levy to dodge the Ten Hag bullet.

You never learn.

Even when United were shit in the 80s there was a certain air of endearment, there was a mystique about them, the air of a great club, characters like Robson, McGrath, Moran, Whiteside.

The current state of affairs is a shambles, a club that has lost all identity, a horrible and distasteful shell of former glories. So funny when u think of the likes of that cunt Giggs when he said that what happened to Liverpool in the 90s could never happen to them.

Ten Haag will be another swallowed up in the carnage that the club has become.


The thing about Utd back in the day is they were never beaten. They could be 3-0 down against Barca or Bradford but he game was always in the balance until the final whistle.
These days the heads drop as soon as they go behind and they are reduced to reling on hometown calls.

What Man Utd once were, and what they are now, are two entirely different beasts

Their fall from grace has been most unbecoming, like an old Baron reduced to renting out their lands to pay for the plumber


They havn’t won the league since Rooney became captain. All other captains that have followed have failed. They even won under G Neville, which is surprising. You’d have to go back to Martin Buchan 1975-82 to find a utd captain that didn’t win the league before Rooney. I remember being a utd supporter during the Cantona era. God, that was poetry in motion. They have a lot of problems behind the scenes, but on the pitch, they’re also missing a general.

United United United

They have no backbone, simple as that

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