Manchester Utd 2023/24 (Part 1)

The answer to?

The problems are all coming through midfield. Now Amrabat was signed to help but we managed to get three left backs injured so he’s tied up.

You saw last season in the opening two defeats everything was awful when the midfield was wrong. When cas sorted that out the rest of the team looked very functional very quickly.

Gala Gala Fuddermuckers

Hannibal better be injured. He was the energy in midfield. Mount offers nothing.

I thought mount was very good at
Times tonight.

Bruno slowing it down too much imo.

Man Utd were poor enough against Wolves and Forest before that Arsenal game were they not? They’ve reverted back to the *Man Utd of the past decade since about March following a brief resurgence either side of the World Cup.

*2nd under Jose in 2017/18 with 81 points or so being the exception.

I thought Man Utd having an already qualified Bayern (H) near the end of the campaign would be their salvation but that trip to Hell will be very tricky. Albeit Hell isn’t anything like as intimidating as it used to be I believe. Man Utd lost in Istanbul in the 2020/21 campaign.

I’d say it’s his questionable temperament and the fact that he failed a drugs test and was out of the game for almost a year that alerted us to him. Inter made a fine €60 million profit on him in the space of 12 months.

I’d be fairly sure it’s because he’s black.

We saw the Tottenham Hotspur player racially abused at the weekend.

We saw how the Liverpools treated Suarez as hero after he racially abused evra.

The audit trail doesn’t lie.

Looking at that performance tonight you’d have to conclude he’s back on the drugs


Sadly it is only worse its getting.


Fair play to eth. He seems a decent lad, he attempted to stop the rot and even timidly suggested that a flop like sancho turn up for training. Thats were the whole shebang fell apart. Ye cant go around questioning the talent.
Big Dam anyone?

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Just watched the highlights there, Hojlund looks like a great signing.

Amrabat was badly caught out for the 2 goals in the 2nd half though, bought the dummy for the first goal but Arturkoglu had way too much space in the middle.

For the 3rd Amrabat never pushed up after clearing and was about 10 yards behind the defensive line leaving Icardi in acres of space.

Not much Onana could do about the first or second but went to ground way too early for the 3rd and seemed very jittery throughout the 2nd half.

It’s like the whole team has gotten the yips.

They paid top dollar, he should be.

I just watched a clip of Icardi’s winner. You should focus solely on Varane trying to catch him, it’s comical. Icardi isn’t even fast, he gets the ball stuck between his feet, he then steadies himself before dinking the finish & still Varane hasn’t managed to get back to put in a tackle.

As the great football philosopher Richard Keys said, one of Man U’s biggest problems is they’ve spent billions but have players in key positions that can’t even run (Varane, Eriksen, Casemiro & jury’s out on Amrabat’s ability to cover ground - it could be that playing out of position led to the latter gambolling around in a confused manner).


As a great band once opined, pace is the trick.

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Buying lads past their peak to build for the future is a bold strategy.

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In fairness Galatassary got a draw at home to Copenhagen. They’re a serious outfit

Merse piles the pressure on ETH. TBF he does look like a Subbuteo head.

Merson said: “I feel like when you’re watching Man Utd, it’s like watching Subbuteo. You blow the whistle to kick-off and at half-time, everyone is in exactly the same position as they were when they started the game. There’s no movement.

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