Manchester Utd 2023/24 (Part 1)

He had nothing to do about greenwood only sideline him. Ten Haag and United just kicked the can down the road. They’ll have to make a decision now. Clearly they are unconcerned about him being a thug, coward and woman beater (at best). They’re dancing on the head of a pin wondering whether they’ll make or lose more money by keeping him or selling him.

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You come up with some very strange takes. Man United seem to absolutely melt your head.

You were waxing lyrical Man City’s owners last week :rofl:


I found myself nodding along with that. I reckon united might try have him killed and collect the insurance.

Greenwood vexes me tbh. It’s not even United, it’s soccer in general. They virtue signal like fuck, and then when there’s a few quid involved they shelve it. I wouldn’t mind so much one without the other.
I’m amiable towards city as east Manchester was beyond grim, and now it’s nic(er). If it’s any consolation I was offered tickets for free for their opening game and declined because I couldn’t be bothered.
Edit, it’s not a strange take. To second edit, Qatar airways is the nicest airline I’ve ever flown with, and Doha is really quite nice.

If greenwood vexes you should do some research on Man City’s owner.

It’s an utterly bizarre take by you.

No it isn’t. Your head is melted by city clearly. You may make a few quid renting them some of the space in your trophy room. Win win.

People are very quick to forgive/forget when dealing with ‘greatness’. If Greenwood was not a potential ‘generational talent’, he would be long gone out the door.


You are losing the plot or else completely clueless.

Calm down lad. You’ll wet your new pyjamas.

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I doubt that.

If man United had any interest in bringing him back he’d be back months ago.

What’s happening here is the glazers don’t want to pay him off.

They don’t have to pay him off.

Sweep sweep

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I’m perfectly calm.

If you can’t see the hypocrisy about waxing lyrical about Man City’s owners and being vexed about greenwood you must be dim.

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You dont seem calm. Relax.

Yes they do unless they can find a reason to sack him which is exactly what they are trying to do.

He had nothing to do? He had to reassess entirely how he might line out the team without the 2 cunts. It was an unforeseen challenge in his first season in charge.

Do you honestly think united are trying to sack him? They are in their hole.

Ten hag done a wonderful job under difficult circumstances.

Sure what else are they doing ?

Glazers don’t want to pay him off. Either find a way to sack him while protecting themselves or else sell him.