Manchester Utd 2023/24 (Part 1)

Would Stephen Kenny be attainable for them?

That cunt Moyes signing Fellaini over Thiago when they spent the summer chasing their tails was the beginning of the end.

they should have held on for him in retrospect

Goes to show United are still the biggest game in town… Chelsea languishing in 12 and not a dickie bird…

Champions league winners as recently as 2021. United haven’t been in the knock out stages in god knows how long yet all the podcasts and column inches lament of their decline and nothing is said about Chelsea.

Toni Kroos could have changed everything.

As an aside i heard a good one about the boy Sancho last night.

Manchester United are box office. Chelsea, 20 years later, are still considered new money. Nobody really gives a shit about them.


That’s about the size of it.

You big tease

A good, and I mean really good, midfielder would transform United

I don’t think so; the players are actually just not good enough and it has been proven time and again.

Although Ten Hag deserves some flak, from what I’ve seen of him he seems a decent fellow and would like to see him do well at a non shitshow club.

Man Utd were in a Champions League knockout tie against Atletico as recently as the spring of 2022 to be fair. In any case Man United, Liverpool and to a lesser extent Arsenal are absolute institutions. Chelsea wouldn’t register in comparison at all. Of all the clubs Irish lads support, Chelsea are probably the most bizarre given the anti-Irish sentiment that pervades from their support base.

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Ah here, thats fair rose tinted glasses right there.

Look over there everyone :smiley:

A statement of fact, perhaps too close to the bone for a citizen.

Not in the least, its just amusing, united are shite, but so are they and no one is saying anything, wah wah wah. Loads of people are talking about the mess Chelsea is, its just as amusing as uniteds shitshow. But dont worry, when Chelsea do hit the wall with all this spending, they’ll get plenty more of it too.

And united will still be going nowhere.

You’ve hit a nerve there

And the leaky gutters come circling.

I was making an observation.

I couldnt give a fuck for soccer.

The united in you comes out from time to time

bad upbringing.