Manchester Utd 2023/24 (Part 1)

Charlie nellihan would have half killed that munich lad…and let the ball look after itself


Nelligan would have done the same

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There was a goalie played in limerick, gordon stewart for carew park. An absolute fucking assassin of a human but he looked like a clown. A big tasher and a perm. I was only a gossun and thought I’d leave one on him early. I came to looking up at him and him asking me would i come in again. I won’t Gordon


Daniel o’donnels brother did nets for the civil service. An absolute psycho…

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You wouldn’t say that to his face

congrats lads


Fair play to you, that was brave taking on Gordon! :joy:

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Ah ffssake

Hook it too my veins :joy::joy: Fucking Potter. Their problem is what genuinely top class manager would go near it now

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If you’ve got that odd little creep brailsford involved, who’s choice of transportation is a 6.3 litre mercedes GWagon, which says it all, then anything could happen. He’s an absolute spoofer imho.

Just when you thought it couldn’t get better, Brailsford arrived

Sit back gents, and get the popcorn.

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I saw an interview with him once where he was on about marginal gains of picking the correct seat in an airplane. He didn’t mention the cheating mind

Be bad enough if his bullshit was confined but it spread everywhere. You’d hear marginal gains mentioned all the time now in sport and bidness.

The spoofing cunt is indirectly the reason why another spoofing cunt had the Mayo footballers brushing their teeth with their left hand to improve their coordination :joy:

You literally couldn’t make it up

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I don’t think this utd squad are bothered about anything vaguely ‘performance enhancing’ related. I doubt the fa will even bother with drug testing

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I posted here weeks ago that he was arriving.

I know pal, it’s been well advertised.

Not just doping that Brailsford has expertise in covering up

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I’d say Brailsford will be an improvement on what they have already and will be a success. Every successful fella in the world is a cunt in some way and has acted the cunt to get where they are (except pep and the Abu Dhabi regime) so I wouldn’t be too worried about that.

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Oh wow. Has he already got an input? Could explain some of the treatment of certain players

Yeah but brailsford is a complete bluffer also. There’s something wired up wrong with anyone over the age of 25 who drives a GWagon.