Marginalization of (White)/(Straight) Men/ post photos of great sets of tits

Here’s Peterson playing a blinder

“The Jewish question”.

Deary me, that doesn’t sound like something out of the 1930s or anything.

Surely someone will be along with the punchline soon.

Reactionary ideologue. If you knew better maybe you’d do better

There’s a poster on this forum who has similar views to Mr. Watson.

I’ll let others guess who it could possibly be.

You’re a reactionary halfwit. Why do you think inverted commas were used? You haven’t watched it, much less understood it, yet you jump to conclusions and resort to insult.
Are you going to go off on another tantrum?

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The term “The Jewish Question” is an anti-semitic dog whistle.

There’s no such a thing as a non-reactionary anti-semite, and Peterson is a reactionary cunt beloved of reactionary simpletons like yourself.

The stupid person’s idea of an intelligent man.

That’s just a desperate needy attempt to belittle someone. You should be ashamed of yourself.

It’s just more identity politics. When in history have women had it as good as they have had it now. There seems to be some disquiet that there is a tyrannical pathriarcy here in Ireland. I can’t see it but there seems to be some effort most notably with Mary Mitchell O Connor and the screenwriters guild to socially engineer more opportunities for women. It’s funny that they never allude to other end of spectrum where there are more males in prison, more male suicide, more males homeless etc.

The irony of those who waffle on about “identity politics” is that they are the biggest fans of identity politics around. They’re absolutely obsessed with it, and obsessed with claiming the imagined victimhood which is essential to their brand of it.

Look at Peterson and the utter buffoons who eulogise him. The identity politics of the white, straight man. Same as Trump, same as Brexit. Absolute piffle, all of it, imagined victimhood bullshit based on the primacy of the white, straight man.

These are the people who in a European context constantly whinge “stop bringing US-style identity politics into it”, totally oblivious that they are the very people who have done so.

Of course “identity politics” is a term that is deliberately used as pejorative term by the very worst proponents of it which I name above, to try and trample over the rights of minorities. Minorities and traditionally oppressed groups in society (be it ethnic, racial or religious minorities, LGBT people, or women) asserting their rights drives the reactionary right-wing “identity politics” nutcases absolutely demented.

In Ireland, the loonies got their answer in 2015 and last May, when they were comprehensively fucking routed. And still they try to force their backward, bigoted, neurotic, pathetic sneering views down others throats.

I’ll do it then

As long as women are split down the middle, men will always be on top.

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Fixed that (mostly)

She can cook my dinner anytime she wants.

You’re a great lad for cursing and abusing. What single utterance in the video would you describe as antisemitic?
You’ve a long way to go before you can call anyone a buffoon.

You’re just proving my point here.

You’re a great lad for calling people antisemitic, racist etc. But when put to it you’ve nothing but bluster and a few rehashed phrases you’ve read or used elsewhere. That’s alright for you I suppose, others might regard it as low grade cowardly behaviour.
Fair play to you for sticking to your guns after being outed as a racist though, you’re stupidly obstinate if nothing else.

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Some amount of self-hatred there. You’re quite literally shouting at yourself. :laughing:

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The individualistic white man is largely an autonomous creature who tries to plough their own furrow in the world and control their own destiny. I don’t see groupings of these people anywhere claiming they are marginalised, overlooked, disenfranchised. When the economy sank in the late naughties many of the people who lost jobs in this country were the white straight male you alluded to. Women by and large had nursing, teaching professions etc that weren’t subjected to large scale job losses. I didnt hear much whinging and moaning from those men. Instead a large cohort went to Australia and Canada and bettered themselves and carved put good lives. So to summarise this victoomhood you refer to or whinging I am not buying it. It simply would not be tolerated in Irish society today in normal discourse. There is some resistance to political correctness but even still people walk on eggshells around that issue.

Finally identity politics is the recourse of the displaced and the people that perceive themselves lower on the societal hierarchy not the right wing types. Why would they need to play that game?

Interestingly for the fluffers above, they aren’t aware of say how the hard Left in the UK fell out with the Feminist movement in the 1980s.

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Antisemitism, like racism and mysogny only became trended for Sid a couple of years ago.

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