Marian Finucane's South Dublin Coffee Morning - Official Thread

Lucinda Creighton taking to the Ray Bassett charlatan role with gusto this morning

I don’t ever recall an important game for the Irish rugby team finishing 15 minutes before the beginning of a Sunday episode of #marian

But today that is the case

I wonder what the first topic of discussion on today’s programme will be


I was going to post to ask you to listen in and give us a summary of the highlights!

The first topic is yer man in Fermanagh getting beaten to within an inch of his life


Nobody saw that coming

#marian’s limitations as a rugby analyst are being well and truly shown up here

She needs the 18 hours to prepare

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Fianna Fail or Fine Gael, Fine Gael or Fianna Fail

The choice for the people of Ireland is clear

Dinner at lunchtime or dinner at dinner time

Let the people decide


"You’re very welcome to the programme on this kind of…sad?..morning?

I think a lot of people were…you know…"

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Downbeat mood on the show today

Easy, the corporate keynote guest speaker circuit has taken a major, probably even irretrievable set back.

I listened back to yesterday’s programme there

Did anybody hear Michael McDowell’s remark about Soldier F on Bloody Sunday

Bizarre and completely flippant towards the victims of Bloody Sunday

“You’ve had people in this studio Marian who have done far worse things”, chuckle, chuckle

Then the chuckling went on between the two of them

Justine McCarthy pulled him up on it a few moments later, saying that there isn’t anything worse than having innocent relatives shot dead

It’s at 1:19:50 here

Marian giving fairly nailing Moya Doherty at the minute…

Marian is the biggest waster there.Im not surprised she’s giving out.Reading out bits of the newspaper for 4 hours a week and getting handsomely paid for it.What does it work out per hour

Marian isn’t permanent staff though… contract job.**

** I’m aware this doesn’t absolve her from being a useless over paid bint.

Is the show still sponsor-less?

FBD used to pay 200k per annum. They’re looking for 220k now.

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Things I learned from this morning’s programme

Pat Finucane beat Nigel Dodds in North Belfast on Thursday

At least according to Brendan O’Connor

Well done Pat MP

Brendan’s ignorance on basic factual matters becomes more undersandable when you hear him call Professor For The Glorification Of The Rape And Pillage Of Colonised Peoples, Niall Ferguson, “great”, as he just did

Lock the thread.

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Sheesh. Very sudden.

What will we do now

Bloody hell.

She was a heavy smoker yeah?