Marian Finucane's South Dublin Coffee Morning - Official Thread



I’d say she’s mad jealous. He makes her look like she’s toiling in a coal mine for her piffling 295,000.

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She’s bloody right though

Magnolia radio

It’s a valid question but Marian probably isn’t in a position to be throwing stones.

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She’s all mammy like though, another Mary o Rourke,plamasers

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You may be sure Crowley’s henchmen have all the sca about her,well before the interview, wouldn’t be surprised if a lot of it was scripted

I imagine Marian more than pays her way tbf.

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No doubt,but it’s all so sterile now,miss George Hook on NT

As a total coincidence today a fellow gave me his record collection rather than throw it out. One of the records was

Driveshaft featured young Brian Crowley on the drums.

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Marian in mourning here.


Very sombre mood.

And we’re only 30 seconds in.

It took six seconds for the word “mourning” to be used.


“We extend our sympathies to all those involved” :smiley:

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What are they mourning? Please don’t say rugby

Marian’s a big Tipp fan.

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Very disappointing that there’s no thirty minutes of “analysis” at the start of the programme this morning, as is regular on “championship” and Autumn international weekends.


Marion previewing the rubby at the moment.

No mention of the rugby at the top of the programme this morning. Did we lose or something?


I’m sure there will be a nice feature in the schools cup final today

This cunt is on this morning, along with Brexit charlatan cunt Ray Bassett.

This should be a doozy of cuntishness.