Marian Finucane's South Dublin Coffee Morning - Official Thread

The one thing you could never accuse #marian of being was a whinger

I was toning it down a bit

He lives in Dublin 2

Fuck him so

The ability of RTÉ to go knee deep in grief when one of their own shuffles off this mortal coil gets on my wick and I’m sure I’m not the only one.


They are all over it this morning. That poor Iranian misfortune isn’t getting a look in.


Strange thing to get on your wick to be fair

I have sympathy for her family and friends but it would be hypocritical of me to dislike someone when they’re alive and turn 180 once they die. Her annoyance that people were questioning her salary of 500k for 4 hours work during the recession was telling.


I had no opinion on the woman alive or dead. What I will say is 4 hours live isn’t 4 hours work. There’s a bit of work goes into preparation etc.

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The whitewash interview with the wife of the UAE sheik got on my wick too.

They’re called researchers.

Right, so she just rocked up did the show and went home. Grand

Anyone who listened to Marian at the weekends would struggle to believe that she did much prep.


@Fagan_ODowd has been telling porkies

She had a long commute, travelled from Kildare as she informed us on many occasions. Maybe she was including that as part of her work.

I dunno mate, telling lies about a dead woman is poor form though

I’ve listened to this and she facilitates the conversation well, but she doesnt really challenge him more than a few whys… she was way off the mark a few times with his assertions, or at least her researchers were. To be fair, bigger names in the world of presenting were not able for him at all. The conversation didnt really rattle her.

The conversation didn’t rattle her because the guy is a charlatan and was more than happy to make a tit of himself

What lies have I told about a dead woman?

95% of what he says is harmless, basic, psychology. I wouldnt get worked up around the rest of it - it’s actually important that someone raises counters to have the conversation in the first place. He’s correct to challenge the enforcement of language.

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