Marian Finucane's South Dublin Coffee Morning - Official Thread

Blake launched straight into an irrelevancy about the real name of Bank of Ireland. Gobshite.

Is Blake not a girl’s name?

And is Blaise not a boy’s name, for that matter?

[QUOTE=“Sidney, post: 1125323, member: 183”]Is Blake not a girl’s name?

And is Blaise not a boy’s name, for that matter?[/QUOTE]

Ask @Blake

Jerry Beades:

“I was in financial trouble before the crash”

"In 2006 I set up an organisation called “Friends of Banking”

The guy is even thicker than I thought.

[QUOTE=“Sidney, post: 1125325, member: 183”]Jerry Beades:

“I was in financial trouble before the crash”

"In 2006 I set up an organisation called “Friends of Banking”

The guy is even thicker than I thought.[/QUOTE]
Jeremy fuckin Beadle more like

Blake said he lived in a large house. Jerry must have shot him a dagger because he quickly corrected himself, it was actually just a “nice house.”

Jeremy Beadle was a much loved television personality who brought joy into so many people’s lives every Saturday night for many years. Please don’t insult his memory.

“There was no helicopter in Gorse Hill”.

“They were a pretty standard family.”

No mention of the Camino de Santiago this morning. That’s disappointing. You can usually rely on Marian to throw in a reference to “the Camino” to keep the conservative Catholic segment of her listenership happy.

But hopefully this article will make up for that.

At least Hillary Clinton has been mentioned, as usual. That’s reassuring.

Reassuring too to hear that it’s a big day in the rugby world and the whole of Ireland (well, the whole of Leinster at least, chuckle chuckle in the studio - I love when the panel chuckle in unison like that) will be getting behind Leinster today, agrees a guest, and then another guest.

So good luck to Leinster today.

Denis O’Brien’s Goebbels has adopted a suitably angry tone. Angry that his client would even be questioned.

Good to see that the Camino once again featured on the programme last Sunday.

This Sunday it’s all about Greece. And it’s all about why Greece should vote Yes.

Correspondent Ian Guider in Greece putting the wind up the panel with his prediction of a No vote. Very worrying stuff indeed.

Syriza are clearly not civilised people who laugh politely and chummily at shit jokes.


Yes 6 No 0

Who was the chap with the heavy south Dublin accent there who said “I reeeeally like rugby, I have a very passing interest in soccer and I don’t (emphasis) like Gee-aah-aah.”

Lovely to see such order restored to the programme this week, with Marian back and all.

I always think a SoDuCoMo without a mention of the Camino de Santiago de Compostela is a bit like a Tour de France that doesn’t include Alpe d’Huez.

However this morning’s Tour de Marian went up, down, around and back up Alpe d’Huez.

I particularly enjoyed the feature on how we can develop our own Irish Caminos. The Camino de Cork has a lovely ring to it.

This morning’s show is coming live from the Jury’s Croke Park hotel, across the road from the former home of Irish rugby.

Wonderful twee yet entertaining anecdote from Leo Moran about taking part in a Macnas-choreographed game of football as part of the half-time entertainment at the 1987 Connacht final, including a choreographed Mammy with a handbag running onto the pitch to hit the referee incident.

Exclusive breaking news from also that the Saw Doctors are to re-form.

Des Cahill is personified. Every lame anecdote he tells makes me want to wretch.

Incredible scenes as Jack O’Shea is tellibg Aine Lawlor how he used to play pitch and putt the morning of every All-Ireland, and an intruder breaks into the studio, starts shouting and screaming and is carted out. It sounded like a woman. I bet Marian put her up to it.

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