Marian Finucane's South Dublin Coffee Morning - Official Thread

Today’s programme will be truncated due to “various little events that you may have heard about (chuckle)”.

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“Middle Ireland needs hope”, says Michael Fitzmaurice, who used to play rugby.

Today, Middle Ireland has hope.

“How can you eat a boiled egg with only one hand?” asks Marian.

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If you have had a stroke.

“in most countries, a helicopter can fly at night”

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Good morning, Donal Lenihan.

“The ground rules have changed.”

Fin (ucane).

Some spectacularly boring anecdotes and reminiscences about the late PJ Mara here. For the last 20 minutes and counting.

I think he wrote the song “Heroes”, or something.

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I’d say it’s unreal. I can only imagine the guffaws.

And what a panel it is. The incredibly pompous sounding Michael O’Regan and the ubiquitous, pompous Stephen O’Byrnes amongst them.

Half an hour into the programme and they’re still talking about him.

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Hang in there pal. I’m sure they’ll get onto the menace of Sinn Fein shortly.

Marian said it was “very confusing” that Labour are down 1% in one opinion poll and on the same percentage as before in a separate poll.

What a programme this morning. You can’t say they aren’t discussing the issues that really matter.

Coming up after 12pm, how Munster and Leinster’s wins yesterday bode very well for the Six Nations.

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Marian has taken the weekend off. A well deserved rest after the toils of election weekend, which she took off, too.


Enjoyable interview with Gino Kenny there. Comes across as a smashing chap altogether.

Well travelled is our Gino

I hope you’re listening @sidney.

I wasn’t.

Was Marian discussing which is the best low-cost lager available in off-licences?

No. Her unique insight into the easter rising.

In other matters, Would you not just hit lidl and stock up on the perlenbacher?

Sir Bob’s take on the same event in the same slot last week was very interesting*.

*not interesting at all

Lord Boyneside and Pat Carey discussing the many, many, many differences between Fianna Fail and Fine Gael.

So far, they’ve come up with:
Something to do with farm sizes.
Fianna Fail people are more likely to have their dinner in the day.
Something to do with 7Up. Fianna Failers like 7Up in pubs apparently.
Pat says Fianna Failers like the GAA more.
Lord Haw Haw says what about Jimmy Deenihan, John O’Mahony, Graham Geraghty, Shane McEntee, John Donnellan, Peter Fitzpatrick, Enda Kenny’s da.
Pat says Fine Gael are Prods.
Lord Haw Haw says that’s nonsense. What about Erskine Childers and Martin Mansergh. Ye’re Prods.
Pat says Fianna Fail are Jews, because we had some fella called Goldberg and Ben Briscoe.
We’re the Jews, because Alan Shatter is a Jew, says Haw Haw.

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