Mary Lou- Taoiseach in waiting

SF (+5)

Martin Ferris will pick him up from prison in the van.


Is there a split in SF between Kinahan and Hutch supporters as well?

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Pretty sure all the weaponry for the regency attack was supplied by one the IRAā€™s.

The Pretend IRA IFSC Cumann are hastily convening a meeting to respond as we speak.




Desperately rummaging through the discarded running paraphernalia to find the Rastool badges they havenā€™t needed in a while.

Live Photo from the 51

Iā€™ve been on the lookout for a new avatar and this morningā€™s news is exactly what Iā€™ve been waiting for. :clap::clap::clap:

Thatā€™s great, but what is it?

A habanero

I couldnā€™t find a nice picture of Jonathan Dowdall so I went for a nice, nature picture.

The guns were smuggled away from the crime scene in a series of middle aged accountants flip belts

Watching Mary Lou there. She really is a savvy accomplished operator. The next election canā€™t come soon enough. She will restore the peoples faith in this country once again

Donā€™t be jinxing her you Jonah.

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She will, once again, be the leader of the opposition. Fuck all you can do/achieve from there bar moanā€¦ā€¦
Get used to it too because thatā€™s the running order for the future.

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The landed gentry are shitting themselves

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Her or her party have no interest whatsoever in going into government

I think she will be the next Taoiseach. Put Sinn FĆ©in and whoever they partner up with into government and see how they get on.