Matters regarding Limerick, Limerick Pubs, No Culture allowed

Limerick Pub Market is History. Colleges kept them going midweek but that is dead now too

Are you joining the turds next year Rambler?


I am hearing reports of fierce heavy traffic up and down to Kilmallock mart today.

Probably safer to go there now after the Customs & Excise hit it a fortnight ago and dipped all the farmers for diesel.



Did they catch many farmers full of diesel?

A lot of jeeps/cars/trucks left unattended overnight and quietly removed on the Tuesday morning.


The really tall blonde bird in the salmon top in Local Celebrity video is a Latvian model. Lovely girl, sound out too.

Didn’t think she was a local in fairness.

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The auld lad informed me that he was in JJ Bowles last week. I assume it is reopened under new ownership

It changed hands (sold) and was only closed for renovations I think.

Ah lovely, the auld lad said there was a fairly serious game of cards going on there. Big enough money changing hands.

Be interesting to see what clientele the new owner attracts/allows.
Where it’s located it could go to shit very quickly with the wrong man in charge.

In the 10 years or so that I have infrequently drank there it has always been a very clean shop with mainly salt of the earth types.

That’s true. Ray was the manager there for at least the last 15 years if not longer, but he’s gone now. I think the previous ape/owner’s nephew has it now. He could lose the good locals if he doesn’t play his cards right.

News updates from Limerick:

  1. The Japanese on O’Connell Street is open again post yakuza attack. I asked one of the staff what happened and got a very vague response that would lead me to believe they were told not to talk about it.
  2. There is a new Inver petrol station (I had never seen many until recently but they seem to be springing up all over) after opening up beside Punches Hotel opposite where there used to be a petrol station until a few years ago. You can only enter it on your way into town though, you cannot get into it on your way out of town (for traffic flow reasons I’d imagine). Similarly you have to turn towards town on exit. This is newsworthy as the petrol there is 124.9, significantly cheaper than elsewhere in town at the minute, I presume this is just a newly opened thing.
  3. Had a burger in Bobby Byrnes last night. Top notch. Maybe the best burger in Limerick. Serious pub grub.

:clap: How did we manage without him. Within 6 months I expect you to have a full Limerick guide written.


What a time to be alive in the jewel of the midwest

Concise Limerick titbittery there. Top notch :clap:

I might start a weekly round up.

“Limerick Matters”

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