Matters regarding Limerick, Limerick Pubs, No Culture allowed

What was this? Gone now

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Welcome to last month, nice to see you.

Tax cheat McManus at it again:

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Go way to fuckā€¦ A Tipp man giving out about someone chasing down a mere $17m stinks of hypocrisy

Should be a front runner for COTY to be honest. All this shit about what he donates to charity. Iā€™d love to decide where my taxes went willy-nilly and then get a two-page spread in the Leader for all the good Iā€™m doing for the region. If you want to help out the region JP, pay your fucking taxes in full and stop being a glory-hunting cunt


Are you telling me youā€™d be living in Newport and paying taxes if you were a millionaire ? Tis grand having a blow out against lads who have made it, but the reality is, we would all be doing the sameā€¦

Heā€™s not tax-resident here but he wants to claim relief under an Irish-U.S. tax treaty?
Can he have his cake and eat it?

He paid for his water though

Iā€™d be paying my fair share of taxation back to the state to allow them to waste it in whatever way they see fit, as well as carrying out non-publicity seeking charity donations. Iā€™d probably have a mansion overlooking Lough Derg

Typical JP

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The lies.

How is money transferred via gambling controlled?

Whatā€™s to stop one lad who owes a debt for dodgy activity (say a drug deal for example) sitting down at a heads-up poker game and just paying the debt by losing the game? The benefactor from the game gets up with clean money and the donator has his debt payed.

JP is a billionaire whether itā€™s declared or not, itā€™s very rude to call him a millionaire that would have him on the same level as some skanger Euro lotto winner.

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Itā€™s gas lads giving out about JP or Bono or whoever living abroad not to pay taxes. Ireland is a bloody tax haven ffs. Have ye any clue how much tax multinationals are paying here? Fuck all. Why donā€™t ye comment on that?

Where would be the fun in that? Lambasting some auld yankee company when we can tear into our ownā€¦

If I had their money Iā€™d be gone in a flash and you could all go and fuckā€¦ About the only thing iā€™d do with it would be to build a clique to rival the south-liberties crowd.

why would irish people require multinationals to pull on the green jersey? bizzarre comparison, but then you are a dopey fucker.
irish tax exiles who want their irish cake and eat it too should have their passports revoked.


So companies based here shouldnā€™t pay tax but people not based here should pay tax?


What are you suggesting! Outrageous.

P.S. send me a PM on what you know.