Matters regarding Limerick, Limerick Pubs, No Culture allowed

Iā€™d say a large percentage of casinos in this country are money laundering operations.

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Jp McManus is based in Ireland for all but tax purposes.
His life is in Ireland. He doesnā€™t have ā€˜a businessā€™ in another country that absolutely requires him to set himself up elsewhere. He is the worst type of Irish man you could think of.
The multinational s you are comparing to the traitor McManus are here with the proviso that they provide a shit load of jobs. They wouldnā€™t be here providing a shit load of jobs without the incentives.
What does McManus contribute to ā€˜Irelandā€™?

He irritates the bollox out of you and thatā€™s good enough for us.

Long live King JP.


JP built the Gaelic Grounds. I donā€™t know about anyone else but Iā€™s prefer him to be building stadiums and supporting good causes than bailing out AIB.

He wouldnā€™t let a rotten cunt like you next to near his place kid. He has a huge gate built to keep you and yours out.

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Another GGA white elephant. Yep, thats what the country needed.

JP has ruined Limerick hurling. Heā€™s the Roman Abramovich of the GAA.

Roman saved Chelsea FC.

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Therefore, if she weighs the same as a goose, she floats, and is thus made of wood and therefore a witchā€¦ BURN HER!!!

Maybe JP is the Ken Bates of the GAA so?

Theyā€™d have to have some.

Harsh, but ok. Lets burn glas.

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Heā€™s hardly that big of a cunt.


Speaking of big cunts, thereā€™ll be fucking banners and posters all over the town again for this one:

How bad must have the other side of his head have been?

ā€œThe battleā€ What a shit name.

What we do in life, echoes in eternity

JP probably thinks he can spend his own money in a more productive manner than the wasteful inefficient overpaid bloated Irish public service.

I think he probably can.

the gaelic grounds is a shit hole a white elephant and an embarrassment to Limerick GAA