Matters regarding Limerick, Limerick Pubs, No Culture allowed

Sounds good and much better organised in its new location, there used to be a free for all for the food and fellas would be jostling and pushing a pulling for bits of undercooked rubbish, all the good stuff was eaten by the hob bobbers in the VIP area.
Didn’t get in today, was at the market this morning and the oldest two were signed up for the Great Limerick Run kids event in UL today, great day which has left me quite sunburnt, even have a potential spot for your thread, the former Limerick great and multiple all Ireland medalist Brian Geary (and his very attractive wife) in conversation with Author, electricity salesman and cousin of former Cork City striker Damien O’Connell(himself the father of former Celtic player Eoghan O’Connell)the flat capped desert booted Paul O’Connell.
In a contender for the things that are right thread I found out my 9 year old daughter is a good little runner, she plays a bit of basketball but is quite bookish in general, she ran with her pal today and finished way up the field in the 3rd/4th class race, she’s in third, I was thrilled.
Interestingly the infant race was won easily by a girl as was the senior race.

Edit. It was Brian Begley, I lay awake for a few minutes this morning wondering did I have that one right😰


It’s like James Joyce.

Yes on the wife. No on multiple all Ireland medalist or firmer great.

Apologies on that, I thought Begley was involved with all those u21 teams

Had a stroll through Limerick this afternoon. Tom’s spot on the electricity box off cruises street was taken by some box playing imposter. Went out to King John’s Castle and the Shannon was looking great in the sunshine. All in all, a good weekend around Limerick.

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I was in town this afternoon as well with the family, had a nice lunch in the George hotel Italian restaurant and strolled around the various things that were going on, Tom was over in Arthur’s Quay park looking miserable, good crowd in town alright. Weather was very patchy though.

Arthur’s Quay park festivities were as patchy as the weather. Didn’t spot Tom at all there. Can we set up a separate Tom spot thread?

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3 euro to go down the helter skelter one time, I asked to go along with my little one and they wanted six euro, it was a bit rubbish down there alright, there was good things for kids at the boat club and poor mans Kilkee.
I said the other day and still feel that the Riverfest is a rubbish festival, still anything that brings people into town is to be applauded.

Tom is a legend. Great video this…some man to tell a joke as well.

I saw Tom playing across from the entrance to Cruises street today (pretty much outside Penny’s it was).

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He was over in the park around three anyway, playing his tune😀

did you buy any tackies today?

He bought 3 pairs but has hid them in the garden as his bird will ate the bollix off of him again

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Good man, revert to form, make up shit to suit yourself, I’m glad that my posts are memorable to you, as far as I can see all your posts are the exact same, if I was as angry as you I would definitely seek counselling, you’re so tightly wound you’ll give yourself a heart attack, be careful mate.

Don’t mind Emma Louise, mate… She hates herself and lashes out at everyone.

You are a grown man with 50 pairs of tackies :grin: and have a wishlist for more, seriously kid that’s a very very unhealthy fetish you have there. I’ll ask my counsellor has he ever come across any other strange fuckers like you.

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You are a grown man who sermonises about other men’s family values yet spend money you obviously haven’t got fucking hookers :joy: you have decided that I have 50 pairs of trainers when I said I had 20, you seem to hate everybody except a made up Internet hero.
If you ever have kids I really feel sorry for them, a man as angry and hateful as you is a terrible role model, fuck knows what they’d grow up like.

Just the 20 :grin:

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I collect trainers, you fuck disease ridden hookers, one of us does indeed have an unhealthy fetish,
Now can you kindly fuck off and find some other poor fucker to vent your bully boy rage at.
Or have a wank, honestly, it’ll do you some good.


Ah yeah, the aul Riverfest is a bit of a con alright. A lad of the coin for it is pocketed by the event promoters, who are now out-of-towners as the local firms couldn’t cut it themselves. Met the brother in law today - he could properly mugged off, paying €7 for a shitty cheeseburger in Arthur’s quay. He was seething