Matters regarding Limerick, Limerick Pubs, No Culture allowed

I know sure. It’s like Paris on the Shannon.

Arc de Triomphe

The entrance to

the peoples park

Place Vendome

Rice memorial

Notre Dame

St. Johns Cathedral

The Seine

The Shannon


Practically no difference there between them.

Sarsfield bridge is a replica of a famous Paris bridge that has since been demolished.

Limerick 1 Paris 0


No trip to Paris is complete without visiting Limerick.


Limerick, it’s Paris without the terrorists

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Paris without the Parisians

I went to this Canteen place on Mallow Street a little earlier to see what all the fuss was about, as there were a few recommendations knocking about for it here. Food was fairly good but it would appear it’s main selling point is it appeals to cunts who will all flock there to A. to be seen by other cunts and/or B. to look cool. There were only two types of people there when i was in there: 1. many businessmen, all in suits. About 5-6 different groupings or solo gentlemen of this description came and went while i was in there. Good few of them just ordered coffee to go. There were three right looking cunts in suits convening some kind of “business lunch meeting” at one of the tables. And the other type of client they had, 2. was hipsters. There were about as many hipster looking cunts came and went too in casual clothes and each one of them to a man had a beard, most of them were gingers too oddly. Even the male waitor chap was a hipster decked out with a full beard. They all engaged in this awful cringey forced banter with the waitress who was a yank and she was covered in tattoos, she was also a hipster. Despite that she was the only person in there besides myself who could maybe possibly pass as a non cunt. It was like an establishment you’d get in New York, not Limerick. Sorry but not for me.

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What did you order?

I personally think it’s a tad overrated. A friend boycotted it after he went in for the breakfast (probably called brunch for those wankers) one morning. They served it up and said ‘sorry, there’s no eggs left’. No replacement for the eggs (an extra sausage or whatever) and he still was asked to pay full whack.

Were you in there today?

That’s fair enough. To be honest i didn’t get much bang for my buck with what i got. Albeit it was nice i was hungry walking out of there.

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Yeah, I went a few times in its early days. The grub was nice but I like a big portion (the roaster in me) which you’d never get in there.

Below is off the website describing the team. I’m raging actually now after reading the below.


Likes: Disney, singing out loud, being comfy, dogs
Dislikes: brussels sprouts, being cold
Favorite Albums: Pixies Doolittle
Favorite Films: eternal sunshine of a spotless mind
OCD About: counting electricity pylons while in cars


Likes: avocados, battered sausages, a good nose, fashion magazines,
Dislikes: condescension, mayonnaise, faded black
Favorite Albums: Childish Gambino: Camp
Favorite Films: When Harry Met Sally,
OCD About: water spots on cutlery, boot height relative to leg length/calf width


Likes: coffee, wine, sitting on stoops, herbs
Dislikes: artificial flowers
Favorite Albums: the doors: the doors
Favorite Films: taxi driver
OCD About: placement of things

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I’ve never darkened the door of the place since I got that horrendous wrap there. A load of shit. Glas loves it which tells you all you need to know really.

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Dublin is full of these type of places.
I was up there recently and passed a place that is obviously trying to sell itself as a trendy chipper. The window said “Fish, Chips & Wine”, serving staff very smartly turned out and the place empty.

On my stroll today I noticed every second unit is a food outlet of some description and the majority seem to be trying to latch onto the health and wellness trend.

Can i nominate ‘Canteen’ the establishment for COTY 2016? Is there a precedent for nominating a place in lieu of a person?


The output in Canteen is quite good to be fair but where they are falling down is the portion sizes for one thing but more importantly the utter, utter cunt of a clientele base they have crawling and sniveling about the place.