Matters Regarding Limerick ๐Ÿ™๏ธ

They can only cash in if people are dozy enough to buy it

Some weirdo is sending dick pics to Cllr Elisa.

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The Kayaking Kuarter


@chocolatemouse strikes agin

Does the body type match?

Mouse is darker, broader and hairier.

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Tell that to the guards


I did.

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Looks like a cyclist to me


Yeah but what about the body?

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This could be interesting,
Her brother in law is top man in the sexual crime division (whatever itโ€™s called) in Limerick

A fella sending dick pics to politicians is interesting?


You have to admire the directness, a simple hello and then straight to the point. No messin.

You donโ€™t know what was in those two deleted messages.

People are very weird though.

Must have taken a couple of goes to get proper purchase on the photo he was sending.

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You can just make out the tip peeping out above the top of the emoji. An impressive operator to be fair.

I feel sullied having been lead back to check what you were talking about.

This weeks episode

Youโ€™ve studied the pic a little too closely

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