Matters Regarding Limerick 🏙️

Looked a shite party with it.

Sure it takes 25 squad cars and a helicopter to arrest one woman these days. They were probably 4 hours waiting for ERU to arrive

It has changed since my time. Still a great spot. I’ve been informed that you now have students from UL, UCC, LIT all studying from their laptops and drinking all day in there. Was always going to happen.

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It wasn’t a party at all I’d say, a load of people standing outside watching a few fire works go off

What age are you mate? Mid 20s?

They should be let at it inside there for the semester and then told to isolate before they go home.

I’d say you’re great craic on a night out.

Very sexist of you

Hard to blame those youngsters for having a bit of craic after being locked up by Archbishop Holohan and co for nearly 12 months.

Hopefully the scenes sicken a few do gooder virtue signalling apes.

Honouring the Rag Week tradition


I’d say the laptops are overheating with all the shtudying.

“Authorities in the University of Limerick are set to meet early on Wednesday to see if there are grounds to expel some of those involved in the street party.”

Fuckin eejits

They’ll expel no one.

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You’d be correct. Good few young lads in the club in limerick on the beer the whole time.

One thing I wouldn’t approve of is them coming home without immunity or a PCR test. I was drinking with a fella Saturday who is now immune and is probably in there tonight.

You’d have to be mental to be a student and not drinking as often as you possibly can at the moment


They effectively are losing out on half of their college years

Alright who was it

There’s so much genuine fear in the country.

If you build it they will come