Matters Regarding Limerick 🏙️

Marius escaped

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@TheUlteriorMotive is under the impression that regional accents are dying out amongst the young.


Surely a fine on its way to her fella?

He only had the four drinks.

Shes shopped him, shopped him good and proper.

Marius ren away

Aspirational supraregional accents would be anathema to Aontu.

Street looks fairly clean to me?

They cleaned it up before they started filuming.

Helluva forehead in fairness.

Social bubble, Marius will be grand

How did he get caught with drugs when it sounds like the guards were there for ages before they started arresting people.

He was being folliyed by lads with sticks shur’. Marius outsprints out of shape chavs is the nub of the story.

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How does anyone get caught in those situations? Drawing attention to himself most likely

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Probably talkin’ when he should have been listenin’

Is Marius ok? Did he find out what was in those boxes they threw at him?