Matters Regarding Limerick 🏙️

What’s your name?
John-Paul Spencer… 100euro fine on the way to you John-Paul.

Nah I’m only pulling your leg, my name is Billy-Bob McGee…

100 euro fine on the way to you Billy-Bob…

Almost as good as graipe

“I don’t know what street you buy your cocaine on but it’s not the same street I buy my cocaine on”.

Sgt. Gerry Boyle.

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Did they stumble on this when they went to break up the street party :thinking:

Sounds like they saw a group of lads running from a car when they arrived and intercepted the car.

The dealers doing their usual handy college run have been mugged off. 17.5ks worth in the car :roll_eyes:… Stupid fuckers.

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I heard it was really 35K, but the boys took a bit for themselves.

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Some real policing work got done too.

Young cokeheads on the PUP having parties in the streets Joe.

Living the dream

Joe nash or Joe Duffy?

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St Marys park got raided today only 40k worth of drugs and 10k cash recovered but the interesting part is this came after Maurice spoke of the amount of dealing going on down in the island while speaking in the Dail last week and apparently a well known piece of shit who was himself left for dead in Drombanna years ago threatened Maurice through Facebook messenger after it :grin: hopefully he might finally disappear if he is stupid enough to escalate things.

I was running down there the other day while a major raid was going on early in the morning

Who might disappear? The bread man or Maurice?

Interestin the breadman is doing a line with a woman for a family who has strong gaa backround in the city😖 hooped jerseys
rhymed with mcbarry

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Only one man disappearing there if it came to it! Not a good idea to threaten a fella like Maurice, his friends might be retired but would only be too happy to do a in a cunt like the other fella. I think it may even be the son who shares the same name as the father.

Yup the last one is the relevant one there.