Matters Regarding Limerick 🏙️

JP doesn’t want any fat lads holding the doors in the Manor

There are for some branch BOI ATMs, but not for AIB in my experience.

1955, this is really cool


That is savage. Is that the soccer pitch there was a debate about here recently top of photo?

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That’s some size of a ship passing under the bridge


Is that Paris?

Class, it even has a house on it.

The rowing club are missing a serious trick I reckon. Be some beer garden

Noo Yawk. You’d know by the grid plan.

Twas a grand shpot for gigs back in the dizzay.

I got the lodgement done in O’Connell street lads

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A swivel hitch in the middle

Tis I’d say, I’ve taken to walking the dogs over to tat field the odd time, it’s totally enclosed (my terrier is mad for road) so I can let them both off and there’s always another few dogs over there.

Looks like they’re clearing the ground for the maternity?
Do you see Arthur’s Quay park there?

I see where it went alright. No sign of the auld JFK Bridge either.

Great shot and timing kid
My FIL has just left and he was telling us about going out the country for n the island to the Gaelic grounds and thomind park in the 1950s.

Also said he was at the 1956 Munster final in thurles and recalled rings three goals. Said the feeling of anticlimax for the Limerick supporters was awful

Sarsfield House looks a lot better in that

A cricket pitch back then? Shelbourne own it now


They must have reclaimed a lot of land for Arthur’s quay

I made shit of Limerick’s Paul Browne on that pitch in 2014. I was mugged off for Bruffs equaliser tho.