Matters Regarding Limerick 🏙️

She is doing quite well anyway whatever she is at. That’s a nice spot she has for a single one in her thirties. My pal bid on a house in her row but was priced out of it.

Shes not in the social Democrats any more and recently qualified in I think, occupational therapy from her Twitter so I wonder is she going to do something else.

Shes very visible around Limerick, nearly Willie O’Dea levels of going walking

I find it creepy, doesn’t mean I’m upset.
It’s not worth posting here, you think it is :man_shrugging:

Good luck to her in whatever she does .

What’s your story? I ran Limerick for ten years and know everyone so I know you I’d say, you cunt.

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You possibly do to see, I’d go into Fennesseys a fair bit

Ah lovely … Porter from Fennesseys :woozy_face:

Just remember that I’m the daddy around here and you’ll be fine.

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I’ll keep my head down! Hopefully we will get in there soon. The lads seemed nearly stressed when they reopened with all the shite that went with it.

Never had a bad pint in there, they’re tipping away the whole time.

Lot of lads in the Senate especially must be fairly missing it at this stage.

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I hope they were queuing in a socially distant manner.

You wouldn’t run a bath


Keep out of it square head.

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Were any of ye ever at a Chinese funeral in Limerick? Or anywhere else for that matter?

I got a 4in1 at the Peony Court after my Grandaunts funeral one time if that’s any good to you?


No. We need proof of an actual burial…

I’ve been to a few, in Ireland and in Malaysia, my in laws are Chinese

Thanks for the confirmation.
There was a rumour going round that they were putting them into the takeaways.

I’ll eat easy tonight.


Johnny Bog! Johnny Bog! Johnny Bog!

FOTF Status surely.

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She might not be a member of Soc Dems, anymore, but just like them, she’s another do gooder space cadet with her head in the clouds. And a total hypocrit as the videos & posts of her at other gatherings shows.

The council badly need to get their act together and bring Westbury and Shannon Banks into the City. I’d be lobbying the fuck out of Department of Environment. I’ve never understood why the bus service (amongst other city services) extends across the bridge when the people there don’t pay rates to LK council. They either want to be a part of Limerick or they don’t, at the moment they’re having their cake and eating it.

Just to see the look on that prick Cathal Crowe’s face if it ever did happen would be tremendous.