Matters Regarding Limerick šŸ™ļø

Youā€™d want PJ down there with the book. PJā€™ll sign 'em.

Question for the Limerick folk
How king has the Long Skirt rule existed in the secondary schools of Limerick, and what was the reason for it being brought in?!

Iā€™d imagine thatā€™s fairly self explanatory? The Church

In one county only?

Fuck knows ā€¦ One school probably practiced it, Laurel Hill, and the rest followedā€¦ the nuns ran all second level schools in Limerick city.

Iā€™ll never forget my midweek trip to cork when I was 15ā€¦ I couldnā€™t believe my eyes as I always assumed the long skirts was country wide.


Late eighties Iā€™d say. I remember girls going to Laurel Hill wearing normal length skirts around ā€˜85.

Strange how itā€™s countywide though, Drom school have long skirts while Charleville are the other, Abbeyfeale long and Killarney the other.
Itā€™s very odd, when my eldest went to Cork with her school for something in the opera house they were asked if they were trainee nuns, itā€™s quite bizarre

Our school (mixed) out in Tipp seemed to adopt the same long skirt as Laurel Hill. Same colour and all.

When we were in fifth year, we had choice of choir or a study class. The choir was a bit of craic and weā€™d a small battle-axe called Fuzz leading us.

Anyway, for some bizarre reason, she enrolled us in some choral recital in city hall in Cork. We were turning up in tackies and jumpers with holes in them while the rest of the participants had school blazers on them. But what I recall the most was walking around Cork at lunch time and seeing so much leg from girls our age. It felt like every Wednesday down there was Leg Wednesday

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Same. It was a real eye opener.

Limerick or Paris?


Same in asykathon its ridiculous really. The rebel girls you might see a calf :grinning:

Thatā€™s a tremendous video. The motherā€™s an Ardagh native, will love that.

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The only healthy calves youā€™ll see in Askeaton thanks to Aughinish


120k for a few hundred metres of tarmacadam path. Great country

It doesnā€™t even go all the way to the Beer Garden,it stops about 50 yards from it cause the lad that own the land beside the pub wonā€™t let them touch his wall on the road.

along with the dubarry deck shoes

Four gardaĆ­ and a private citizen are to be charged as part of a two-year garda investigation into alleged garda corruption in the south of the country.

The five are to be charged with perverting the course of justice following an investigation by the National Bureau of Criminal Investigation.

The Garda Commissioner suspended 11 members of the force because of the investigation, one subsequently retired.

Two others, a garda and a civilian, have been charged and are currently before the courts.

The Garda National Bureau of Criminal Investigation first suspected in early 2019 that information had been disclosed about a Criminal Assets Bureau investigation into the activities of a criminal gang in Munster.

The gang is suspected of being involved in various criminal activity including drug trafficking and was targeted by the CAB.

The CAB carried out eight searches in the south of the country in March 2019 and seized 115 cars and thousands in euro and sterling from the gang, which it believes to be the proceeds of crime.

However, CAB also suspected that information from its investigation had been leaked to members of the gang, and another national specialist unit, the NBCI was called in.

The subsequent investigation is being led by the head of serious and organised crime Assistant Commissioner John Oā€™Driscoll.

Following a series of co-ordinated searches in 2019, three members of the Gardai - including two senior officers were arrested and questioned.

One denied any allegations of wrongdoing in the High Court and tried to have the suspension lifted.

However the High Court dismissed his application last year.

The officer subsequently retired from the gardaĆ­ which halted any disciplinary proceedings against him, but the criminal investigation continued.

One garda and a businessman were subsequently charged arising and are currently before the courts.

The investigation continued and detectives identified a large number of fixed charge penalty notices which they suspect were not being prosecuted and were being 'struck outā€™ in court.

Following the penalty points scandal, gardaĆ­ can no longer cancel fixed charge penalty notices because the system has been centralised to the FCPN office in Thurles.

The NBCI investigation team examined why these FCPNs were not prosecuted and why, what they suspect appeared to be a pattern of failure to prosecute, was not identified by supervising officers on the forceā€™s PULSE system and acted upon.

They also inquired into the backgrounds of those who were not prosecuted to establish if the cancellations were linked to their involvement in sporting organisations community groups or criminality.

A further eight gardaĆ­ were suspended last year, the largest ever suspended in one day. It brought to ten the total on suspension.

Some of the them are suspected of striking out multiples of fixed charge notices, others are suspected of advising people on how to avoid getting penalty points.

A file was subsequently sent to the Director of Public Prosecutions who has now directed that five people - four gardaĆ­ and a civilian - are to be charged.

They are due to be charged with perverting the course of justice and bailed to appear in court at a later date.

Garda Headquarters has declined to comment.

:popcorn: .

And I only reading this in the paper this morning. His solicitor was trying to get the case thrown out due to the DPP sitting on it for so long.

@Breaking_my_balls has put on a power of weight.

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