Matters Regarding Limerick 🏙️

Carling is rank. I literally wouldn’t drink it for free. Carling sponsored a “home nations” competition a few years back. There was free pints going all over, handing out vouchers on the street in the stadium etc. I managed one and a half and went back to paying for something else. Putrid


The pub in Mountcollins would be hard bet


Sorry. I was talking about Toor, a little village/ townland up the road from me, at the foothills of Keeper.


I was only in Mountcollins once in my life. It was a wet winter night and whatever I was going to there, I was well late. All I can remember is taking a bend way too fast and saying thank fuck nothing was coming against me. The poor auld Fiesta I had covered a fair bit of West Limerick mileage back in the day.

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Absolute cheek

People from Pallas are sound.

Shanahans is the pub in Strand

Tommy Micks is the pub in Mountcollins.

Both noble establishments.

Caseys in Raheenagh were doing OK too

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Was the pub in Strand called The Haven ??

It might have been once upon a time, I don’t know, I just know it as Shanahans

Does anyone remember the Beamish and Crawford suite on the Dock Road 20 odd years back . If a soccer team or GAA team won something they generally got a night of free Carling in there .

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Always found the village itself very depressing, but some lovely countryside surrounding it - Bleach Lough, Dromore Castle, Ringmoylan Pier. There’s still a lot of folk coming out from the city to Salesians College.


Lads I could be wrong as my hole here and I’m crossing the county boarder but I heard there was a savage pint of carling in Stokes in Tullylease back in the day

The beer hipsters looking down on the Carling drinkers


I delivered beer to it once upon a time. Wild part of the country

Tis. We grew up in the wilderness but they’d be another 4/5km up the road and we also thought they were an extra notch up of wild. I used to serve mass as a young lad in the little church there :see_no_evil:

The pub was a grand spot. Always said it would be a grand place for a stag. No phone reception.

The sister was in there once after a christening. A stag arrived in from Dublin. All the lads on the stag did a whip around for the new baby. She said it was the busiest the pub ever was.

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“Carlingt” as some people call it

Do you remember the stumpy pint bottle of Carling ??

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I remember there only 1 customer in the Westward Ho (or client as he’d be called now) who used to drink Fosters. He used to ask for “a pint of Foster”.
One other fella drank Scrumpy Jack on tap. He was worth keeping the tap for, the boozehound. He used to fart out loud on the stool and say “oh mudder a god” after it. I remember one day there was a childer beside him, some random chainsaw running around the pub and he farted at head level. Right job. IIRC, the same bloke was caught in a compromising position on a pool table in the Well.


How on earth did the stag end up there, there must have been jackeens terrified they’d never make it back to the 21st century :sweat_smile:

I passed by that place a few times but was never in, was definitely a pub that piqued my curiosity alright. Miles and miles from anywhere.

I see UL are refusing to reimburse business students whose mandatory international trip was canceled. They did a five day zoom workshop instead. College spokesperson said the cost of arranging the zoom calls was significant.

The cost to the students is 9k in some cases.