Matters Regarding Limerick 🏙️

They have a petting zoo thing in the corner that would kill 15 mins anyway.

Where did you find the Mail ?


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Postbox usually ??

Is assassinating political rivals official Green Party policy now? I suppose it’s one way to curb overpopulation and consumption.

Give us bullet points I’m not reading that.

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Looks like El iza has moved on from chasing elderly Catholics.

She’ll be delighted with that spread

Dunno. She’ll surely find something outrageous about the pic


The bouncers there used to be widely inconsistent. They’d let someone who was steaming in and then turn away soberish enough people.

That’s lapsed poster @chocolatemice and Brian Leddin who have both come to the same conclusion

fuck them. no loss

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I’d say lapsed poster Choco was on that WhatsApp group

“Man 3” doesn’t pull his punches. Has a real cut about him.

can’t read those articles properly. Can someone summarise or link to some of the twitterati?

Is she the one you…sorry @chocolatemice sent a photo of their knob to?

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He has to go