Matters Regarding Limerick 🏙️

I do but with it not in the media, perhaps family trying to keep it under wraps so won’t put up here.

PM me if concerned and really want it

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Thanks. I know of a group that went to Crete this weekend.

Hopefully he’s apologised to Alan Kelly as well. :+1:

That’s now in the public domain. I know the family well. May he rest in peace.

Is that the second limerick man to die in Greece this summer?

Yes, and of a similar age too. Hit by a car apparently.

The most recent one was a car?

The wider family of the deceased have buried a number of its younger family members who have died in tragedies over the years. Very sad

I believe the deceased would have lost a first cousin to cancer in the recent past. Only in his 20’s too.


The market quarter

Haven’t heard anything about this. A game changer for sporting Limerick

Just to clarify I am not man 2 who called her a giraffe.

A “farmers” market on a Saturday morning in a yard behind a row of shops that no one knows are open. In fairness Limerick has been crying out for a Saturday morning market.

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About 200 feet from the actual market

Seems the twitterati has Leddin hung drawn and quartered and are furious the real world has not caught up with them. RTE has not covered it yet though?

Is it really worthy of national media? The mail is a complete rag.


The Green party paying the price for going into Government. The Twitteratti out to get them

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