Matters Regarding Limerick šŸ™ļø

The Collins clan could be exposed as the murky group behind unleashing the global coronavirus and theyā€™d still hold the seat in Limerick West/Limerick County. Absolutely zero chance heā€™s losing that seat. Itā€™s his until the day he decides to retire.

Itā€™s incredible the hold they have on the constituency. Yeah, people will give about Jimmy, Michael, Gerry, Niall and every other cunting Collins on the ticket but the hoors are always in by the time the first ballot is cast.

Itā€™s between ROD and the Shinner for the last seat. ROD getting good traction on the ground but then again every politician and their posse say that.


ROD should focus on highlighting Sinn Feins anti rural policies, in particular about wanting to ban hunting, coursing and cutting funding to horse and dog racing.


Jaysus. I didnā€™t realise that. Iā€™d nearly give them a vote now.

Cc @Thomas_Brady

Iā€™d gladly have o Donovan and Joseph stalin ahead of any of those cunting Collinsā€™s


Wouldnā€™t be surprised. Very unlucky last time not to get a seat. His first time running for the dail and as an independent aswell. I think he could get one the next time around

This chap was her closest alloy during the #metoo Brian Leddin misogyny affair.

Was Marcais a victim of misogyny?

No, but he cares a lot about victims of misogyny it appearsā€¦ Heā€™s a dangerous fucker from what Iā€™ve gleaned. But he had formed an alliance of convenience with certain factions around Limerick, against Leddinā€¦ The enemy of my enemy kinda thingā€¦ It looks like relations have broken down recently tho judging by that tweet.

Limerick political Twitter is box office

It really is.

Political discourse has come a long way from lads calling each other a thundering disgrace to their face. Itā€™s all about the fake social media accounts these days

Local politics in limerick attracts some weirdos alright

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Theres about twenty people involved in limerick local politics. But they make some noise


Who should we keep an eye on mate?

Thereā€™s too many to list.

And they have forty Twitter accounts and eighty profiles.


Most of the cunts lecture us on everything other than the things they are elected to do

Give me the dullard aware of the limitations of their role & ability

But just seven TFK accounts

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Thatā€™s just @Thomas_Brady

Savage fun when they all fall out