Matters Regarding Limerick 🏙️

Dingle is gone too mainstream, but it does have a magical aura about it. There’s a feeling to the slea head peninsula that I don’t get anywhere else in Ireland.


Hmmm, father from Kilteely who hurled for limerick juniors. Quite the juxtaposition

I thought the Paddy was supposed to refuse these types of awards? Will
drive the barstoolers mad though.

Sound man John was in Ard Scoil with him

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Slea Head is my favourite place to go in Ireland. It’s absolutely beautiful. Looking out onto the Blaskets late on a summer’s evening as the sun goes down is spine tingling.

I’d take or leave Dingle Town though to be honest. It’s grand like, but a lot of the business people in there, in the pubs and restaurants, are a quare shower. If I was having pints back there I’d prefer one of the pubs in Ballyferriter, Dún Chaoin, Muiríoch or Baile na nGall

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Murphys bar Brandon is my spiritual home. I absolutely love it around there.

Dingle is a good town to go out in. Always plenty of women about and everyone is on their holidays so are usually in good form. You can’t ask for much more.

Ballyferriter is lovely too and it’s close to where I stay. Never really took to Paudie o sheas tbh. Don’t no what it is about the place but in fairness If there’s a big group of people together it’s handy.


Tiktok :joy:
If they were any kind of proper criminals they’d have a glossy video from O’Dwyers funeral home with a Biggie Smalls soundtrack.


@Copper_pipe send on the video…

It might be wrong and it’s not something I’d say often or lightly… But I’m pleased when I hear someone from that particular family has died. I hope he suffered.


If any Limerick residents are unaware of the sliced smoked pork belly from O’Connells pork butchers they need to get on it right away. It’s fucking unreal.

Tell me more

I just ate a big sandwich of it.

How many of them left !

Second death in the family in 6 months? Terry wasn’t long ago

Are they selling cooked food there now? I saw they opened a big new shop in the #butcherquarter

They’ve always had sliced meats there. Tripe and ham and corned beef and turkey and the like. The smoked pork belly is unreal. You could sit there eating it slice by slice like a box of chocolates or something.

Is pork belly not very fatty for a sandwich

Made my own today. Look like whale cocks but taste honrale

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I wouldn’t recommend it for daily consumption but this stuff is delicious. You wouldn’t notice the fat like you would on a slice of ham. Give it a go.