Matters Regarding Limerick šŸ™ļø

Is it hot or cold?
For dinner or for lunch?

Itā€™s a sliced meat, a cold cut, like ham. Itā€™d be up to you as to how or when you choose to ate it.

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Limerick tapas. #pigtown

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Do they fuck- Portmagee better than that Dingle plamas, Daingean is poster paradise

Has anyone watched this? :thinking:

I wouldnā€™t be holding out much hope.
They canā€™t even spell Kilfinane.

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The boom is back

Cunt thinks heā€™s on his way to a Connacht Football Championship match.

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As a fella told me once, you can spot JPs helicopter by the counting the number windows on it.

Just caught a story about Eli Lilly building and opening a large plant in Limerick
Good news? Is it a big deal

Three hundred jobs not to be sniffed at.

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The great grand daughter lives in cork now. Sheā€™s a lot of horses. Lovely lady.

Fantastic Edwards are recruiting like mad too

Iā€™m after putting down a savage two hours inside in town there, Iā€™ll have to write about it. I had a few hours free this afternoon and as I hadnā€™t been in town since early December I said Iā€™d take an amble around. Firstly I paid a visit to the antique warehouse off the old Ballysimon road. I canā€™t think of the name over the door. I spent about 10mins discussing Grandfather clocks with the owner. He said theyā€™re selling like hot buns at the moment. One thing I didnā€™t know is youā€™ve to wind the weights in them once daily to keep the chime going and clock ticking. Heā€™d five of them in stock ranging from about ā‚¬250-750 and one very dear one which he wouldnā€™t tell me the price of it. There was some number youā€™d to ring in Scotland about the price. He said it came out of an old historic building in Scotland.

After that then I went into Oā€™Brienā€™s wine and bought a bottle of stuff @Fagan_ODowd recommended in the wine thread to me earlier for a fella that did me a surprise favour lately. Job done and off I went again to next get a haircut off my Turkish mate Iskander in Blades barbershop. I normally donā€™t like talking to the barber but this fella is sound and for a Turk he had a surprisingly good knowledge of horse racing and the various tracks over here.

I then needed a new shirt and bought one in very quick fashion. Much to my relief the first one I threw on was the grandest so I took that, as I was worried about how Iā€™d put it back together given it came off a shelf with all the clips and fasteners and paper attached to it like something youā€™d buy new in a packet. Not to worry all that went in the bin and I was on my way again, this time back towards the car to begin my journey home.

As I made my way past St. Augustineā€™s church at exactly 1.30pm I spotted an esteemed poster from this board across the road going in the opposite direction to me, past the Texas Steakout and towards William Street direction. He wouldnā€™t have known me even if he looked in my direction as I was heavily disguised in various layers of clothes, a face mask outdoors and a hat. I wonā€™t embarrass the poster by revealing who it was, but letā€™s just say it has been 2-3 years since I last saw him and I was shocked at how old and weary looking he has become. There was a gale blowing in his face and he was struggling through it ill-equipped without a hat or coat.

After this I managed to regain my composure in time to spot Sadliers fishmongers to my left as I turned a corner in the direction of the peopleā€™s park area where I was parked. I went in there and bought scallops and sea bass for the dinner, which my wife will cook when she gets home from work.

Lastly to cap off a wonderful two hours I walked past Tom the busker queueing for chips outside the hatch of Luigiā€™s chipper. He looked the same in the flesh as he did 20 years ago.


There might be a poll in this :thinking:

It was @balbec ? :flushed: