Matters Regarding Limerick 🏙️

I had a fine coat on


He would hardly be out and about without a carer


I won’t divulge who the poster was but if anyone wants to put their hand up that they struggled past the Texas Steakout at 1.30pm today hatless then be my guest.

Would you believe less than 15 minutes later I purchased two fine shirts myself. One an absolute bargain.

Where? I find it hard to know where to go to get clothes nowadays.

Let me guess - timberland?




Hard bate a sneaky cheeseburger in Luigis

Superb posting, felt like I was there


I was expecting a bit of commotion myself, but alas…

A crosshatch shirt to go with the timberland boots?

I look forty you cheeky cunt

@TreatyStones was the first man I thought of myself

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Like a rewrite of Ulysses, except without all the cunts

Interesting parking location. Can you explain your rationale for there? Thank you.

My reasons for parking there are confidential.

It seemed a bit away from any of the places you visited on your trip. Anyway, sounds like a grand auld day. Where did you buy the shirt?

Guineys by the sounds of it

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The parking location wouldn’t have been far from Mike O’Connells.

I seen him heading in to an auctioneers, he’s purchasing a doer upper

I’d often leave my own cage up there no matter where I was going in the city centre. I can’t really explain it, it’s just a habit I have gotten into