Matters Regarding Limerick 🏙️

Deloitte have a vested interest in an inefficient State as they are coining from all these reviews of lessons learned.

They are only Deloitted sure

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What always makes me laugh about hiring in the likes of Deloitte is what the fuck would a bunch of accountants know about it like.

One of them got the contract for contact tracing over in the UK. I mean accountants shun social contact


A report costing a million or two that says they don’t have enough beds, are chronically understaffed and poor patient flow.

Well I’ll be damned, fancy that.


530 beds covering an area of 400,000 people.

And they wonder why problems persist in A & E there…

I work for a financial services company and the idea of getting the likes of Deloitte to do a review of “patient flow” is laughable.

They’ll do some fancy report, no doubt, but surely HIQA should be able to do that kind of report themselves? They’re supposed to be the independent fucking authority on healthcare.

There is no real appetite for change within the system as far as I can see.

Reports are great. It means no one has to do anything

In fairness the Big 4 moved on a lot from "accountancy ". I’d imagine it would make up less than half their revenue these days? It’s all about the Corporate finance, Consultancy, Cyber etc.

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Main reason for using consultants in my experience is internal de-risking. When things fuck up, internal staff can point to guidance received. Actual implementation of the guidance is another matter, but the whole thing allows for a grey area when it comes to accountability.

In my place you bring in Deloitte to ram through an unpopular policy and if you subsequently want to reverse it you then bring in EY.

The bookies have been cleaned out.


2k lost in one fight. A 4/1 backed into 5/2.

The 1/5 fighter appeared to be loaded with liquor.


Digital transformation and data science

The big four are targeting massive growth over the next 5 years mainly based through these areas

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A generational housing crisis and they’re still demolishing houses.

How is that happening still?

The plan was/is Shannon Doc and a small injuries clinic in St. John’s. Neither alleviating the strain.

Open back up A&E’s in Ennis and Nenagh. No more about it.

Total madness what they have left happen.


Strange one.

Does anybody get milk delivered in Limerick city?
We stopped the delivery when we went on holidays but ye man hasn’t started delivering again. It was handy enough at times. Nobody else around us gets it delivered so we have no way of contacting him.

I wouldn’t have a clue if there’s one lad or 20 lads delivering milk in the city. Would anybody have a phone number of any delivery guys around the city?

Did you just inherit the milkman or what? Did you never ask his name :smiley:


It’s all this ‘centre of excellence’ nonsense that they come out with. Access to the correct medical equipment and whatnot. But there certainly is a need for somewhere older people could go to get assessed in comfort.