Matters Regarding Limerick 🏙️

The Laya Clinic over in Ivan’s shop is some spot.In and out in no time with one of the weans last Friday night.

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Informative rating!

Yea, we basically inherited him. Never met the man/woman as they delivered at 5am. Never got a phone number or anything. Not even sure if he’s the man that pops up for our address as I’ve never seen him. seem to do only Glanbia products. Is there an alternative I wonder?

How did you pay the fella?

He didn’t. It was a little elf that left a bottle of milk on his step every night.


He leaves a little plastic bag with the milk every Tuesday and picks it up the next delivery day.
He leaves notes in the bag.

He probably saw his chance and fecked off as I was filling the bag with old 1c and 2c coins for one of the kids old money boxes.

Ah ffs. You’re some cunt

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It’s free up to 170 yo yos


If you’re a member I presume?
Often wondered what went on in there.

Was talking to someone involved in an upcoming development in the Opera Quarter. Thanks to the knowledge gleaned from this thread I was able to inform him there would be no Opera House in the Opera Quarter.

Oh yeah obviously.They do x-rays and casts too.Saves sitting in the ER in the hospital for 166hrs

A great setup, none of that grubby bidness of dealing with the pleb face to face :joy:

I got this in Wickham Way earlier. Savage.

What is it if you don’t mind me asking?



Bit messy looking

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Szcehaun Shredded Beef Bao Buns, the discs are raddish and theres a stick of battered broccoli.

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Far from Szcehaun Shredded Beef Bao Buns you were reared