Matters Regarding Limerick 🏙️

I hope they were prepared for the rainy day

Used to be big money, but the way it’s gone now it’s not mad. You’ll get a job starting in stryker on the weekend shift paying 70-80k with no skills

I know a lad who was just asked not to come in and they still paid him.

Seems crazy and a bit sad.


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Aughinish still hanging in there. For now!

Came out of a meeting earlier to this news. Massive blow to the region. I’d be very good friends with a lot of lads in there. Same age as myself, families, mortgages etc.

Hopefully they get right good packages, but when the company is pulling out completely it probably lessens your leverage in that regards.

The falling population in China is the major problem. All the product there was going to China and the birth rate there has dropped a lot in recent years. Still 2026 gives some room for a new market or plan to emerge, but very sobering for the whole area.


They’re flat out hiring as a lot of the work force are hitting retirement age having been there since the beginning.All the older crew in Wyeth’s were on very decent money,not so sure about the new lads as I think in the last pay rise talks the older crew got a big increase if the agreed to lower the starting salary for new hires @TreatyStones would know better.

My brother retired out of there this year. He was there since it opened, 42 years.


The old teachers trick. Pull up the ladder

Desperate blow for the area I’d say alright mate. It’s big closures like this that might lead to a few older lads throwing their lot in with the guards as per the conversations with @Raylan on here last week but I’d say not too many would fancy the big drop in wages.

A mate of mine’s father was there for years. From Limerick city. I’d say he’s retired 5/6 years now.

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I’d have thought the growth in protein drinks in fitness sector and even just general retail offeri g might have been enough to support business? Surely still huge export opportunity there but perhaps under a different banner.

Someone has to have JP’s ear to say this can be done without Nestle?

Every agri co-op head around the west and south had the same idea. I saw three plans, one went to production.
None worked out. Huge investment required in all aspects and china market is harder than they thought.

The future for the product is Latin America and Africa.

The Chinese plans were built on the concept of 6 adults going flat out to support the “little emperor”.

And is it substantiated that the Chinese market has shrunk that drastically? They’ve only in recent years relaxed the single child policy

Could it be a case Nestle just aren’t cracking the opportunity properly?

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Birth rate has actually dropped since they relaxed the one child policy

I wonder were they worried too if China invaded Taiwan would there be sanctions like on russia.

The place would be closed down over night.

It isn’t ideal to be so tied up with Chinese at the moment I’d say.

I think a can of SMA in China is something like $60.

They’ve tried manufacturing it there in the past but the Chinese parents dont want formula produced in China due to a terrible track record around quality control.

Yeah, it’s dropped but doesn’t mean there isn’t still significant remaining market and still being born each year.