Matters Regarding Limerick 🏙️

They had the massive baby death scandal from tainted baby formula made in china must be about 15 years ago. Recall it was.lead or cadmium or something else that poisoned a load of kids to death so they don’t trust their own not to take shortcuts.

Opened the opportunity originally for us and cant recall the huge kiwi mob that do well.

Any idea on rough prod cost of same unit private-label ex-factory?

I dont have exact figures but I do remember one of the lads saying to me that despite the ridiculous wages etc, Askeaton was still churing out the cheapest can to volume in the Nestle group.

I recently had dealings with a senior purchaser for General Mills in Shanghai. He’s close pals with a Chinese lad I worked with for years. Was sunflower oil they were after given ructions in Ukraine affected their sourcing.

Wonder if there’s an angle there for this?

TFK Proteins.

During the major baby formula crisis about 10 years ago, they didn’t even want imported product, they only wanted products that had been on the actual shelves of European supermarkets. I know people who cleared the shelves and posted the stuff home to China.


Not that long since Wyeth’s built a new dryer back there as there was such a demand for formula.Miserable pricks can probably make a euro or 2 more by producing it in a different country.

Energy costs likely a huge factor too. Such an intensive production process likely has huge energy needs. I’d imagine that its more likely vaulting production costs (labour + energy being primary two) influencing the decision as market trends

The share holders must be kept happy at all costs.

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Indeed…so you’d wonder is there an opportunity for private business to make something of it?

Mind you, wouldn’t be much of a stretch for likes of a Kerry Group to acquire it.

Yeah you’d think that alright.

You’d want to be getting some discount to be taking on the accrued redundancy/pension liability

Do Kerry make baby food in charleville?

You wouldn’t be looking at buying a going concern.

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Conservative €200 million value put on the plant there by Cllr Sheahan on the news

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Former Cllr Sheahan on the news there comparing the news to a ‘scud missile’. Probably not the best time to use that comparison.


How topical.

Cllr Sheahan (not former) is a bit like Joe Biden at this stage and should be kept away from a microphone

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Ah Jesus, I thought he was long gone from the council.

He was like a lunatic there on that segment. We need another Collins in to replace him.

Teskey was quoted on the RTE web report.

Worse to worser.

That’s peanuts to these big companies.Some body will wait till everyone’s laid off then by the plant and rehire the lads back on much less money.

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He was on the radio recently and the interviewer dug him out of a hole a good few times after some bizarre enough comments.

I was at a gig he was speaking at a while back and I thought the fucker would never sit down. He started talking and no one knew where it was going to go. Went on and on about shit that had fuck all to do with anything

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