Matters Regarding Limerick 🏙️

is that photo in a post office?

The accused was a former next door neighbour of my in laws :see_no_evil:

Assume the murder took place at the home of the suspect?

Are you saying Curtains murder is an open and shut case?

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What’s the surname of the suspect?

Sounds like it for sure


Thanks, means nothing to me thankfully

Too early to draw any conclusions yet…I think I went to school with one of them, Annette I think her name was…I’ll see myself out…


Yeah I think so. That’s near where he used to live. He’s long gone from next door anyway. Lovely family there now.

Joe Cahill, he was one of the lads involved with the dog that was held hostage a few years back.

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Is this the lad joe Cahill here? If it’s same fella he was wearing a flat cap one night I was at the dogs maybe 8 years ago and got talking to me saying he’d 20 odd dogs in training (good few with Graham Holland if memory serves?).

I see the two got a few months extra for the Corbett killing. The father got an extra seven months and Molly 30 odd. The 44 months served already netted off the final sentence.

Garda chopper busy circling the city, anyone able to shed any info?

I’d imagine it’s going about its work mate.

You’re welcome.

no there was only 1 chopper… use a comma to make your remark make sense.

you’re welcome :slight_smile:


I passed that. Was around midday. Went to pull into the hard shoulder to get away from the oncoming vans and the boys were coming up the hard shoulder on the wrong side.

Rang Bruff Garda station, they got several reports alright.