Matters Regarding Limerick 🏙️

The hurling museum would surely fill the other original seven stories?

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What would be the split of the floors between celebrating success and commemorating heartbreak?

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Worth 10 million to the city.

Worth a few million to Rudi Butler anyway

Who is he?

His auld lad Robert Butler built half of Limerick during the boom, went bust went into NAMA etc etc

Then, go tobann, the son Rudi had a new company buying up assets all over the place with money he had saved from his communion or something.


The Lord of the Dance was backing him too.

The cost also seems to have doubled since it was first announced.

I wonder will Aidan Brooks look to build upwards on his surrounding buildings. It’s noticeable the building has no windows on the side away from the river, which might indicate the owners of the building behind it have expressed a desire to match it in height (if that’s possible).

I have you now. Father is brother of former mayor Richie Butler RIP.
What a coincidence!

76 is the latest submission in manc.

Need to higher. Land is at premium

Why hasn’t this embedded??

It’s Oaul O’Connell on Question is sport

No tweet, X or Twitter or otherwise, is embedding now it seems

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That’s from a while back is it? You’d be embarrassed that he needed the two letter prompt.

He ruined that show


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Think he meant Paul

Yea, but aren’t you the expert on here as to how to embed a tweet?

Shur I tellt him before
