Matters Regarding Limerick 🏙️

What sort of nuisances would a badger create on a farm? Thought they’d pretty much keep to themselves and help keep rat and mice populations down? Eating planted crops or something along those lines?

They carry disease which spread to cattle, though I’m not sure if that has been proven.

They seem to be getting scarcer; there was a time you’d see ones every few weeks flattened on a road but haven’t seen one like that for a long time

Thought that was the rumour alright but proven to be untrue. Truth came a bit late for this cunt tho

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Seems.there was scientific truth to it. Cunt got what was coming to him so. A small rustle of his fur and still drives my dogs absolutely mad.

They spread TB
My FIL has fuck all time for the cunts anyway

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The lads I know who are into it would be doing it without the permission of the land owners. They just do it to test the dogs. They send the dogs down the hole after the badger and let them fight it out. They don’t remove the badger from the land as the article suggests.

The big holes are from when they have to dig down to get the dog back out.

The poor badgers :frowning:

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Kyle Hayes Badger?
But if you’re here…who’s grooming the badgers for the badger parade?

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Croagh people will bait/bate who we like

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Would there be a bit of culture involved there, boss?

He was responding to people talking about his ex - the worst things he said to a closed private WhatsApp group was that she was ‘unhinged’ and ‘craved fame’. He wasn’t attacking a politicam opponent. He was a councillor on north side of city whereas her parebts bought her that house on O’Connell Avenue making her district city west.

Actually it was solicitor Michelle Hayes was the ‘professional woman’ mentioned in the WhatsApp group and lives very close to the development she’s opposing.

The ‘professional woman’ was Michelle Hayes of Hayes Solicitors who lives close to the Punches Cross site.

Why? He called his ex ‘unhinged’ and ‘craved fame’ in a closed private WhatsApp group where his friends were slagging her for publicly slagging Brian on Twitter omitting the fact that they were once romantically involved. Think of what spur of the moment comments you might have make in what you thought was a safe space. Imagine having a scumbag publish your private WhatsApp chats.

We’re seeing a lot of comments, but none around where you went to school, how many points did you get in your leaving cert, and by how much will Limerick win the AI senior final in 2’24?


It’s Micĥelle Hayes of Hayes Solicitors Limerick


Will his ex be running for TD in the next election for the soc dems?

Hi Brian :wave: :wave:

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