Matters Regarding Limerick 🏙️

I know one female journalist who had him drive from Limerick to Cork while the country was in covid lockdown with no intercounty travel because she blocked him after he was harassing her.

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Monkey Omg GIF by MOODMAN

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Jesus, this is outstanding, i’m on the edge of my seat at work. I punched the air there.


OK, that’s fair enough

Which name was it, I don’t know any of the people you mentioned so far

I did a Ronaldo suiiiiiiii

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Mind your business you and let the woman talk.


You posted my name - Emma Gilleece. Can you see how I would naturally respond?

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Don’t mind him Emma.Type away.


Ffs this will bring the forum into disrepute

How exactly?

The woman was publicly named on here. She has the right to redress …


I no nothing about GAA. Was never on the tv growing up in my house.

Mortifying that should be ‘know’ not no

Sounds like you have a very valid case, and rightly are very aggrieved. You’ll get plenty of support on here given your adversary, but there’s no real benefit to you to be airing your grievances here when they could easily be twisted and turned against you again.

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I’m correcting inaccuracies involving me with facts and not name calling. You won’t see me starting a thread on any of this.

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Further disrepute


It’s a mans world love.

It’s only women who were taking me to the circuit court and the High Court.

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I despise her myself I hope you clean her out.

There is a distinct lack of shrugging emojis in here for some reason :person_shrugging:

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