Matters Regarding Limerick 🏙️

There was a fine crowd inside in The Moose when I passed down about 5:30pm.

I was tempted to go in for one, but then I managed to pull myself together.

I’d say it’s doing well.

Sweet Jesus …… This is one for the roaster thread

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As expected, the M&S appears to be a fridge of sandwiches.

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How long until the jacks are flooded with piss and blocked with truckers fry up shits?

On what she misses from Ireland, Keely says she misses a good Irish Chinese the most

Deary me


Strangely (from your perspective), I didn’t really think about the jacks when looking at a video of a small supermarket.


A dirty jacks might be a good indicator of the cleanliness of the rest of the place.

Unreal. Fucking Chinese. A bubbly personality indeed.

Cowpat this about nothing but shit. All day. Everyday

Why are skinny girls never described as “Bubbly”

Because they’re generally not bubbly. :smiley:

“Bubbly” means fat

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Bubbly = Consistent calorific excess.

Is “plus size” not allowed anymore?

No but “butty” is permitted

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Young people in the area vaping are clearly the issue

I always though butty was a low sized one who was stocky. Wouldn’t apply to a taller person.

Plenty of bubbly TFK posters I’d say


You’d see them on bumble describing themselves as fun sized