Matters Regarding Limerick 🏙️

The accent you’d hear in Dundalk is much worse to me.

Sure there isn’t even a generic Dublin (or Limerick) accent. They should have been more pacific with the classifications.

West Limerick accent is a noble accent and there’s a certain class of an East Limerick accent that you typically hear amongst older people that would warm your heart, some lovely phraseology too.

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C’mere till I axe you

C’mere til I tell you a question.

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Kick her in the fanny Kelly!

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Rift. Waited 35 mins for sandwich after paying. Coffee came out after 15. Place wasn’t even that busy. Now, it was nice, I’ll give them that, but fucking hell up the pace a bit lads.

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Surely the Co Louth accent, god bless em, is hard on the ear.

Had lunch in the Good Room in Adare yesterday. Ordered a normal toastie. Out it came with a ‘bit’ of salad.
As the wife said, “sure it is Adare”…

That’s out of the ordinary, they’ll usually get you your coffee immediately, hot food takes a few minutes,
They know how to charge, they do fantastic brownies

Your man took some box into the head outside Flannerrys.

He looked brown bread on the ground.

In ICU apparently. Bird caused it all but both lads should have walked away.

The fella who done it realised he
Made a terrible mistake straight away. He seemed to just happen upon it from the video i saw.

Boys will be boys i suppose. Were they just chaps out and about?

Dont know backstory but have seen name.of lad said to have thrown the dig. Plays with Shannon

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In seperate matters, and being the resident historian @Kyle , were city emblems a recent phenomena or do theybdate right back?

Reaaon i ask is the bratislava and limerick emblems have a lot of similarities. They just copy and paste in the 80s or do they date back?

Limericks one has been used from the 1700s I’m almost certain but is based on an earlier Norman / English scroll or shield or dildo so goes right back to 13th/14th century.

Limerick, a city well versed in the art of war.

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Anyone see the video of the bloke tackled to the ground outside the Hiway bar, had a baseball bat with him, shouting about someone raping his wife, or something like that.

Drillbit in the bat.

yep, wonder what the craic was there.