Matters Regarding Limerick πŸ™οΈ

They looked like a bunch of snooker players.

Even Dolphins want a bit of Limerick in their lives.

They thought it was like a better version of Paris apparently.


@canteen needs to go back to school himself.

From what I heard a young lad had an argument with a barman in the hi way a few weeks back .
He returned the other day with a baseball bat and did a bit of damage inside . Outside he started hitting cars and swinging at people until a man tackled him and held him on the ground .

short changed him?

No idea , it’s just what I was told yesterday .

Did they swim up that far on porpoise I wonder?


Charged him €6 for a pint of Guinness. Hi-way robbery

Let’s get back to local matters

You are never too old to take up a new trade

β€œNew” trade indeed

The Still House and the three Habit coffee shops have closed down.

You would think the Still House should have been able to do good business at that location but seemed a bit grubby and rough and ready.

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Habit was good coffee too, always seemed to do a decent trade

Everywhere has good coffee now, the food in habit was never any good, old sandwiches etc

They were doing very good salad bowl type things for a while but stopped.
Surprised they are gone when he was opening new outlets the whole time.

Your man from Old Barracks had put posts on social media calling out the owner of Habit over unpaid invoices for supplying him coffee recently alright. Still it’s a pity to see an independent place go to wall while Cafe Nero is opening down the road.

Was it the same owner, Habit & Still House?

I know we joke about the quarters but the number of coffee outlets is truly a joke for the few blocks from Catherine street down. I counted 10 different outlets in that area on Saturday. For a town that does not have a significant tourist trade nor a really large office block area (quarter), it does not make sense.

Plenty missing off that list too.

Even if you just look at bottom of Catherine St
Aroma, Fika, Cafe Rose, Wildberry (I think), Esquires, Habit, Carlton & Starbucks all within a 100m.

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A bit of a local row on the corner of Mulgrave St. and Rossa Avenue where a contractor was left unpaid for work on some apartments by the kitchen shop and responded by pouring wet concrete into the drains. Council have moved in with a crane to lift out materials to make space for remedial works.

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That is a surprise to me.

Did Habit over-extend with 3 shops in such a small area?

Very surprised with the Still House tbh; would always have been fairly busy at the weekend.