Matters Regarding Limerick 🏙️

Knocking the visitor centre and city hall would be a start.

The masterplan will be expected to identify opportunity for investment in an exciting and innovative visitor offering for the Castle that takes a holistic approach to the city-wide and site-wide components of the visitor experience, increasing the value of the castle as a visitor attraction that delivers sustainable socio-economic benefits for the city and region.

Hey ChatGPT write me a pitch for a masterplan for a tourist attraction


Absolute waffle throughout. Two million likely to be largely squandered on consultants.


Some place for pissing away money in fairness

Sounds absolutely bonkers, already under serious scrutiny over the Dunnes purchase and they go and do the same thing again.

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Long-term you would imagine they can’t lose on those properties even if they did overpay. Academics shouldn’t be let near real-world bidniz though


Would have a dealings with a couple of very senior academics in other settings and they haven’t a notion about the real world.

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A tale as old as time.

Reminds me of the electric tooth glosser I recently purchased, the design for which was created by two Irish dentists. €120. Awkward as fuck to use. Easily known it was dentists and not engineers designed it.

Anyone remember in the late 80s, early 90s, there was a video tape knocking around Limerick, well, several copies I’d say of a mix of heavy metal tracks from MTV’s The Headbangers Ball, with the Triple Thrash Treat etc. Lots of rockers had copies of the tape at the time in Limerick.

All aboard the gravy train…:grin:

You wouldn’t get much for 40 grand these days :man_shrugging:


We used to be a proper country


There used to be over 500 clubs around Ireland in the 90s… There’s barely over 100 now. Thousands of pubs gone too… Young people don’t have any interest in it anymore.

You’d have a job finding a nightclub to finish a stag in most of the bigger towns. Whole generation missing out on a good fingering

When Dingle can’t sustain a nightclub you know the game is up. Ballrooms must be due a come back

It seems you can go online now and find somebody to finger in seconds, :man_shrugging:

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There’s no challenge in it anymore

It’s because the pubs are so busy. It’s just
More hassle.

An droichead is basically a night club now too.

They’ll never have that 2 a.m. feeling of desperation, panic and consequential lowering of standards