Matters Regarding Limerick 🏙️

A clatter of pictures on social media when it opens… And tumble weed thereafter

This train line was a sop to Sleepy Eamonn, while right beside it another swathe of the countryside is begin ripped asunder to build a new road to Foynes.

Once the Greens force through their secret plan to ban rural people from owning cars theyll be clamouring for train tickets.

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My house will shoot up in value

Just make sure you sell up before you’re relocated to your 15 minute city.

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I can’t find that on the website.
Have you a link?

Just turn up at 2pm on May 12th. No booking required.

Ya as above seems to be a rock on kind of thing. His twitter is here


Sorry, I was interested in the book for a friend, not the tour.

I can’t see it for sale anywhere.
As usual Twitter does my head in and just wastes time.

Don’t think the book is out yet.

The After is miles ahead of the Before there

One of the few where you’d be thinking good call to knock that shit heap down

Tree-wan-Tree-wan-Tree-wan was going strong then

The book is not out until the summer. Will post up here when it is.

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They should be doing more of this, knock down some of these shit holes and build lots of apartments above then leave the street level for shop/pub/office units.Simples, shit heap gone new units for business and flats/apartments on top.Everyones a winner.

Problem is they aren’t building high enough when they do do this.

I’m assuming Butler regrets scaling back 1BQ now. The building as a whole would have looked much better if it was another few floors higher as originally planned.

The only way to save city centers is to get people with good disposable income, living and working in them.

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Young people in their 20s love living in city’s I know I did.There should be no building smaller than 10 floors being built in the city centre.Its a waste of space.


This will be great sport. Hard to know if whoever gets the nod will actually have any real power to get shit done.

From that list I’d probably vote for your man John Moran.

Quinlivan will poll well in the city. He could get it if he can get any bit of a decent rooral vote.