Matters Regarding Limerick 🏙️

Interesting that Quinlivan thinks its a bigger gig than being a TD, and that presumably SF agree.

If he was to win, SF would be down a big name in Limerick

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Must be a better money spinner than TD?

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Hard to see who will replace him as TD, i say its between him and Moran. Im still goimg to Moran but Quilivan is a good grassroots TD tbf, wouldnt do a bad job, he would get No 2 off me but i believe this role should not be a political party play piece.

I assume its PRSVT in voting?

How big will the meltdown be is the fair Elisa romps home?

Think salary will be about 150k.

Where is Moran from?

It is.

Couple of names on that list that must be delusional or just running for the profile.

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My upbringing has shaped me profoundly. My parents, hailing from West Limerick and East Kerry, returned from Birmingham to our farm in Mungret/Patrickswell. They instilled in all us kids the value of education and hard work whilst emphasising the importance of integrity and kindness.
Growing up amidst the economic challenges of the 1970s and 1980s, I watched first-hand the struggles of my parents dealing with economic forces beyond their control. Nonetheless, my strongest memories are of a vibrant and enjoyable Limerick childhood filled with school, friends, activities and family.
The experiences of working alongside my dad on building sites and mum and dad on the farm and time spent on my uncle’s farm in Athea, have left an indelible mark. It’s my backbone, the core of who I am.

He doesn’t know himself

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I’d guess Athea, he might be related to the Red Cow Morans

FF should have gotten Kiely to go for it.

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Timing was wrong. If it was next year he definitely would have gone for it. He’ll probably run for them in the General Election if it falls right.

Went to school in Sextons Street

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house rules laugh GIF by Channel 7

She won’t be in the top 5

There’s lads here who’d bet on that

In fairness to Quinlivan I don’t think he would be the most financially motivated.

Would Moran be the continuity FG candidate??:thinking:

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Not publicly anyway.
He’s still living in Thomondgate as far as I know.

Has he the smarts or even education for such a high office?

Helen O’Donnell certainly is as widow of Tom and aunt of that absolute idiot Kieran.