Matters Regarding Limerick 🏙️

I lived on Glenmore Drive for a year as well when in college years. A party house.

The family had good friends on Mayfield

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Theyd a good judge of character

Manchester City Soccer GIF

Good breeding,my bro lives there

I like that song,he’s ex CSN also

Used be woods around uam VAR when we were kids, surrounded by farms ,no CIT,no Wilton SC,no FAS,no Dunne’s,no CUH etc


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Cauliflower Burke


1985/86 direction

I see River House is being converted to emergency accommodation. Did the Revenue move out? I’m sure their neighbours next door will be delighted.

Prime real estate in the City Centre, right beside the proposed Opera Centre. The City is dying at a rapid rate, and decisions like this will only speed up its decline.


I thought I was going to have make a citizens arrests coming out of boylesports on William street earlier. Two fellas getting all hot and bothered for no aparent reason.

Strikes me as an ideal location in Limerick City
It’s been disused for over 2 years, obviously not much demand for that sort of office space

It’s gentrification the city needs not ghettoisation


I actually thought I’d read they are knocking that building

You might be mixing it up with Sarsfield House?

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Limerick at some stage in the 80’s

Absolutely top notch interaction in the comments underneath.
Surely a sign the World is using modern technology to it’s fullest capabilities



Immediately reminded me of the cover of What’s the story morning glory :man_shrugging:

Maureen is having none of it

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Declan clearly has the wrong man

I’m about to tell Declan i worked with him in the restaurant.